
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Miracles,,, In The Strangest Places

Well,  I have just been the receiver of a true miracle.  An answer to prayer.  I am not suprised.  This entire situation was bathed in reassurance of a holy kind, that GOD had everything right where he wants it.  That I was to walk by faith. Not by sight.  LITERALLY.

Arrived in Jacksonville Friday night, got truck preventive maintenance Saturday morning. Went out and bought myself some new tennis/work shoes.  Now that my original trip to see Alisha is over, I can attend to needs I have as well.  My shoes were letting dirt in, My one nice thing I do for myself, I get good name brand sneakers, because I wear them 3 years... literally walk the soles off of them.

I did not go out Friday night at all.  I had torment and temptation and desire.  But I sinned not....

Had a load assignment picking up at 7pm Saturday going to Sunrise, FL for 0300 delivery. I do this run alot.  It is where my car is parked, so I snooze until about 7am,,, then I get dressed for church and go early.  I get let into the classroom,, and pray protection and blessings on the room.  Invite God and the angels... prepare me and the environment for manifestations of spiritual gifts and warfare.

So, I slept 4 hours,,, at 6pm, get a QC my load has cancelled (3rd time).  As a courtesy,  I sent Pastor and Rob Feist, my Sunday school teacher,  a text saying I won't be in. Felt led to get up, get showered, get dressed anyway.  God was at work! 

I have missed last 2 weeks,,, I actually considered renting a car from the airport,,, that is how much my HEART wants to be in class and service! Also considered looking up the local assembly.

Decided to call my company home office in Iowa.  The gave me a load picks up 12noon on Sunday here in Jax,, going to Miami for Monday... I MIGHT make part of the Sunday PM service???  The dispatcher says "go ahead and go over there. It may be ready early."

So,, I got cleaned up, and by FAITH, I go to the guard and say, "You will think this is odd, but God wants me to check and see if this load is by chance ready early?"

The young Haitian boy looks it up,,, they had FOUR of these loads,,, this is the LAST ONE and it was sitting here in Jacksonville since THURSDAY!!!  (I could have been sitting at "home" all weekend>????)

I told him he is an answer to my prayer, the vessel God used to answer me.  He did not know what to say.


When my SS teacher Rob got my text earlier?  His reply really blessed me, "Will miss you in class tomorrow. ... Need someone in the class with some real understanding and exposure to the gifts."

When it was uncertain the HOW I was getting home????  That was a bittersweet "awwwwww"  message.

My reply was just to bless him and the class and the services going on tonight. They are having Eli Hernandez in the Spanish church,, and they have interpereters and headsets for us Gringos.

It really is a walk by faith, not by sight.  Here I go again, one wheel in front of the other.

Thank you LORD for provision and for the peace through it all. Not just today, a very tangible example, but for the assurance that you are with me.  In spite of me.

ii John v. 12 Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full.

Humbled and blessed,
Jan M. Olsen
My load bringing me to Sunrise at 0300 Sun. Just cancelled 5 min ago. Praying for a miracle, otherwise, I will not be in Sunday school or svc at POCC 10/30. Ok.