
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I found this tonight in an old email address that I used as online storage for my Dad and I and our prose, poetry, and my early writings for my book. Made me go all warm and fuzzy inside.  He wrote a parody back.  I will include it later.  Enjoy the smile. Ready, set, go!

>>Sent: June 19, 2007 10:28 PM

Happy Father's Day, Dad!
"Dad". Best friend to be had.
 Ever since he was a young lad, he was meant to be my Dad.
 Builds things with ease, using nails and brad, that's my Dad.
 His tales make the butterfy's knees quake just a tad.
Fix things, grow green stuff, and fish, catching more than just shad.
His wisdom altho quick can make you feel like a cad.
 Wit, wise, and thoughtful he's more than a fad.
I tried as a kid not to make Dad too mad.
 Camping out in the rough, he used sleeping bags to pad.
My Dad out of date? Don't be absurd! I think he is RAD!
 The end of my rhyme comes, so now I am sad,

 Hope your day was a happy one, I love you, my Dad!"
I truly didn't miss Father's day,, not really. I hope you could feel it long distance? I was thinking of you. I was in school that day, practicing the complex manuevers in the semis for finals this week. Then I went right back to the work grind after being off a week on vacation with the girls ( we had a blast!). I am in the countdown phase now. I need to choose a company ( got it down to 3-5),,, and set a date for an orientation. I get paid for 4th of July at the hotel,,, would be a shame to let that extra 8 hrs wage go. I am ready to be moving on, though.

I do love you and hope my lines above bring you a smile! I can send this at 10:30pm my time, and you can get it when you are awake, LOL. Heading to work now.
Spending Saturday night with th Kings of Swing and Sweet Southern Comfort. I'm lost. Might as well make the best of it! Pure groovin' BaBeee!

Code Word "DALLAS"

                             This is a good photo of ME right now,, out of focus. Not sharp at all.

Code Word - "DALLAS"
Few know of this code word. That's what made it effective.  If I say it, and they are not "in" then people get excited, WooHoo, Jan's in town!  Or Jan went through my city. etc.

Those that know that Code Word "DALLAS" means pray, my life and salvation depend on it, then they "get it" and I 've always trusted they got down to business with the King.

My own place, my secret world to yell "YOP!!" and no one hears. No one responds.  Splashes in the River. Boulders in the canyon. Avalanches down the valley. No one notices.

Tonight then, I say "DALLAS" and a 12 yr old boy thinks it's cool. 

In pain of such extreme fire that I cannot describe. Not only in my body. In all arenas of my current  life.

Struggling, to live through, breathe through, see my way past today and this excrutiating pain in my body, heart, and spirit.



I would explain my feelings and my thoughts. But I do not have words for them.

So many questions. And SOOOO ready for healing.

I've been taught to believe that the moment one quits believing, is the second RIGHT BEFORE the answer was being delivered.  Is God really toying with us like that??  How rude.

This is not helping my pain,, not one shred of it.


Jan M. Olsen