
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Helping Others

Through a series of events that are lining up, I am finding myself offered more and more opportunities to reach out to others. In the church, we call it "sharing the word of our testimony".  Same concept here. 

There is a light in all of us.  We can try to deny it or hide it under a bush, but the light is not us to begin with.  This eternal flame is God beaming from within!  So I don't think it very odd to be told "there is a GLOW about you!" or to be asked  "What is different?!"

The only thing different is that I have recently come to a place of peace.  I am surrendering my attempts at control of my life. Seeking God with all of my heart. 

My continuous prayers go something like this:" God let me see myself as you do today.  Let me see others the way you see them.  Let me see problems the way you do.  Give me a greater measure of compassion and love for others than I have ever experienced before.  I take this mantle and go forth with your boldness, to reach out and touch the world to your glory. Thank you for your grace, mercy, and fresh beginnings.  Thank you for calling me and annointing me to assist others.  Here I am, Lord, send me."

Before I rise in the morning, I spend time in experiencing GRATITUDE for everything in my life.  The list gets longer and more silly, if you will, the more I practice gratitude.  That's because I begin to see the little things. 

For instance, one time on the beach I decided to try an exercise for the first time.  It was a series of 3 deliberate breaths.  Now, at that moment, I had only read the suggestion, not the instructions.  So, feeling a bit silly, I did it the way God led me. 

It felt so AWESOME, I did it again, just for the pleasure of it.  Then, I opened my eyes to a whole new world!  It was still the same beach, same lounge chair, same sun beaming.  However, I saw on an entire beach FULL of white sand, a tiny hill shift, as though an ant lion had kicked it from inside.  There was an extra line of breakers curling within the obvious 3 or 4 big waves.  I could smell more than Coppertone, BBQ, and wet things.  I felt very ALIVE and tingling with excitement.

That is what people see today.  That ZEST for Life!  And they are drawn to ask me, "What is the difference?"

We all have things going on in our lives.  Some days we are on top of the mountain. Some days, seems we are scraping the barrel for energy just to go another step. Some days? All we can do is breathe in and out, and even that is exhausting work.  There will always be an ebb and flow.

When a friend or acquaintence asks me "What is it?"  ,,, I am ready with the answer, which is my gift to give right now - MY TESTIMONY.  I listen intutively for their cues. And often, instead of a closed pat answer, I will lead them into answering their own question.  I will guide them to asking POSITIVE, POWERFUL questions.  I give them resources to use for the follow through. Offer to be available to sound ideas out.  And every time, I add them to the list of people that I pray for.

It isn't me they see.  It won't be me that helps them or holds the key to their answers.  The person already possesses the answer within themselves.  The decision to trust their own light from within will rest with them.

So, I go on up the road.  Growing in my own life.  Listening for others when they reach out.  Cheering with them, loving them, helping them along their way.

It's a good day.
Jan M. Olsen