
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

As the Weekend Winds Down

Not much of a weekend. A continuation of a week. Still in alot of pain. Stiffness is setting in where I perhaps favored some spots during the worst of the fever.  As I meditated before bed, I noticed severe swelling and pain in my neck and up into my head.

I know if that area gets pinched or out of alignment, the rest of me will feel pretty lousy. Headaches, backaches,, stress on my shoulders to hold up the sore spots,, and of course, my breathing is more labored, less full or enriching.

Drifting off to sea on the sweet, gentle melodies of Tim Janis "Water's Edge". A GREAT place to sleep.

Not sure what tonight or tomorrow holds.  May I face it with extraordinary courage, faith, grace, strength, and humor.

Blessing you with the same,
Jan M. Olsen