
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Life As A Highway

This has already been an exciting month of new opportunities, gifts, revelations, prophecies, and chances. With half of June 2011 still ahead, I am charged with enthusiasm to see what is around the next bend of my Life's road.

Sometimes such great shifts brings friction.  The ways I noticed it this month were both in subtle nudges and outright cacaphony.  New directions offer new relationship posssibilities. It also gives me a chance to reevaluate my current address book.  Often, I get distracted or on a roll, and I forget to take care of my body's physical, emotional, or spiritual needs.  When this happens, my batteries run low and weird bells and whistles begin to clamor for attention.

In some ways, my paths are becoming more defined than they ever have before.  This time, I am shaping my direction purposefully and with creative power.   Every now and then, I still get alarmed by how fast the ball rolls and the debris it picks up along the way.   Learning balance.  Beginning with a chuckle that echoes in my quiet truck, I rumble from deep in my tummy a laugh that bubbles up and out of me. Balance is not a new word for me to say I long for that quality.  Equilibrium.  I don't mean status quo, but I do desire to find myself encouraged about moving on and up. 

My new picture of where I am heading in the near future, has me leaning alot on a core group of people that I culled my list to at the end of 2010.  I kept and nurtured "safe people".  Men and women that inspire, encourage, love, and assist me to reaching my goals and optimal health in all ways.  With everything I have within me I pray and bless this set of friends and loved ones.  I cherish and appreciate the nurture sown into me.  You are a patient and kind bunch of people!

Perhaps I need to take an "alignment  break" and get some things on the right track again. My health, my focus, my emotions, my spiritual pursuits all need fervent TLC from me.  I do not want to stall on  a hill though.  I want to maximize the momentum, and have some guidance on my course. Deliberately choose how I feel, perceive, and react to all the fresh  offerings of Life heading my way.

I took North Carolina and Virgina state roads in my semi truck today.  It was challenging.  But do-able.  And in a strange source, I found a peaceful balm to my jangled nerves and wounds.  During a particular shady, treelined portion of Route 58/ 360 in Virginia I suddenly felt as if God himself overshadowed me.  I felt in the presence of His peace and love and mercy.  As the verdant hillsides rolled and turned, I settled into the rhythm and found myself at One.

This alone is enough respite to help me rest easy tonight in my dreams, and recharge my body for tomorrow's adventures, wherever my road may lead me next.  Am I healed of all pain of all kinds?  No.  But I know I might be there any minute.

Moving along on Life's Highway,
Jan M. Olsen