
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Friday, October 8, 2010


I had just arrived at my parents for a week visit and to bring him home to live with me again. He was BEGGING me to "GO". First thing we did on trip home was drop him off to be shaved and bathed!! He  lost 10 pounds of hair ;-)

One of my happy times is tonight,,, he loves me so unconditionally.

New Best Friend

Two little boys on  the Deerfield Beach named Solomon and Gideon.  We met at the foot wash spigot. Gideon said he liked his pizza cuz it was crunchy.  His mom absently said ok,, he said, "Know why?  Cause it's got sand on it."

I laughed so deep!!   I told the mom that my girls are 21 & 24 and that I was enjoying the surrogate of the little ones today.

She responded without hesitation, "You look too GOOD  to have kids that old!"

Okay Nanci Jane Brillant,,,, meet my new best friend!

Was enamored of the little girl, about 4 years old in her turquoise tutu,,, catching waves in her matching little flower water pot.  Oh!  To have the sweet faith of a child that her tiny pot will hold enough water from the ocean  to make a difference to that huge pile of beach sand!  

Made my throat ache in the sweet innocence of a babe.

Then there was the little 2 yr old boy, Noah.  His granddad would pick him up boogie board and all,, walk out into the breakers and send him off!  that little guy just WWWHHHEEEEEEEE all the way into shore bobbing up and down on that styrofaom board.

What an incredible day.....

Heart hurting, in a bittersweet ahhhhh....
Jan M. Olsen

Won't You Be My Neighbor

then there's the ancient old white-legged old man wearing what can only be his wife's floweredy shorts for swim trunks???? Laughed at that one!!

The mom screeching at her 2 young sons "I told you not to get wet!" Huuuhello!!! It's high tide at the Atlantic ocean? Who is the grown up here? And why are you in my listening space?

With tide coming in? Suddenly the 6-8 lines of surfing breakers have blended to 2 solid aggravated line of roiling white foam and ocean spittle.

Think I will use my remaining parking meter time allowed to walk the shore SLeep is chased away by Mother Of The Year and her loud rant :-/

been an unwinding 4 hours.... great time utilization! Feeling pretty good about things.

Noticing the chill creeping into the dusk air as the sun flirts with the palm trees in its mad descent to the horizon.

Friday 5pm traffic should be calmed down by the time my meter runs out. There was a method to my madness at those 2 extra quarters :)

Happy, relaxed,
Jan M. Olsen

~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

Banks Are Overflowing

I was in wal-mart getting fresh sunscreen when I got a text that cheered my whole day. My next stop was to be the hotel by the beach. Was going to go ahead and rent it so I wouldn't be paying parking meters elsewhere paying double duty.

 The text was from the family that has my dog, Addy. It specifically asked "would you like to stay here in Noah's room for FREE?" This is a minimum savings of $100 for two nights in a hotel. I don't need much. Shower, bed, and Addy-O.

While at the beach, I went into the water up to my shoulders and just bobbed along. Cooling my inner core, taking stress off my joints. I could sleep or even live floating in the water!!!

On the shore, practiced deliberate deep breathing. Made me yawn! LOL... Liked it though. The more I do it,,,the more areas I seem to be able to expand...

Then I just FEEL the beach scene...the slick suntan oil, the fruity coconut smell, the drying wind. I put my lounger IN the ocean. Filtered the wet mud through my fingers and squeezed trying to hold a wave on the sand!

I have pretty feet and I enjoyed walking the lap line and noticing how the foot flexes in a step motion and curls into the sand as it rolls out of a step.

The age-old smooth worn shells, caused by friction and wear. The flock of pigeons cooing at my feet foraging.

I can hear single drops of spray....feel my hair lifting in the breeze. Burned my feet on the pavement like a preschooler. Swam some more =-) Snoozed.
Found a pair of Gucci sunglasses in the surf. Probably expensive, equalized by their freedom from their owner.

So, I breathed in deeply again, curious what was next. Not sure where Time will take me, but it's a wonderful ride!

Experiencing all that I can.
Jan M.Olsen

Sent Urom my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

HE Speaks!

Walking from my truck the half mile or so to my car, as droopy as I feel, my two backpacks seemed made of lead. Like a mule I slogged along, unmindful of the gorgeous SoFL day!
In the lot where my car rests, I had to notice the screams & cacaphony overhead. Looking up I saw a a massive osprey nest. Judging from the racket, there is an entire battalion of young birds in there!! Whew! It was LOUD!!
As I gott underneath, and snapped a mobile photo, the noise abruptly ceased! Not a rustle or peep!! I was an unknown threat to that majestic family.
It called to mind the story of old how God feeds the birds even though they do not sow. And he clothes the lilies in fine array, though they neither toil nor spin.How much more mindful is he of the cries and needs of his creation that he fashioned in his image and breathed into man's nostrils his own breath.

I stayed a few minutes, noticing the feel of the warm day, the scents on the breeze, and the sudden eerie silence from that nest.

God loves me. He knows exactly where I am in all ways. He knows what I can bear, and what it will take for HIM to receive all glory and praise.

I choose - let everything that hath breath, praise ye the Lord. WHO AM I THAT HE IS MINDFUL OF ME? I am his own.

Resting in the arms of safety and love,
Jan M.Olsen
~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

Sea Of Tranquility

"Come now, oh friend, and sail with me
Upon the tranquil, calming sea.
I search not for a chest of gold
Not for fine pearls or treasure olde;
I search instead for that which we
Will find now in Tranquility. . .

How true it is that we often sail to distant shores seeking that which lies hidden in our own heart, our own home. The Sea of Tranquility is not a place; it is all places, for it is buried deep within all people. Inside each heart is a private refuge; a place of serene rest which Christ referred to as 'the peace which passes understanding.' I picture this inner sanctuary as a golden ocean of light both warming and refreshing - a place I like to call The Sea of Tranquility. Won't you join me for a sail?"
--- Thomas Kinkade

Dreaming big heart size dreams!  Daring to hope! To stretch forth my hand in love and offer my peace and joy findings with those most dear.

Two weeks from today I get to see, hold, hear,, Alisha again.  And Jeremiah and his NanaJ will find at least 5 minutes apart where I may pray over him. Annoint him.  Set him on his way to finding his own relationship with his Saviour.  I will tell him the world is his for the taking, to dream big, and never settle for second best. I wil instruct him to honor and obey both of his parents and to kiss his momma in the ear every now and then,, she will pretend to dry it out and say "Stop Hisssssssing in my Ears!" 

Sending my love to Angel also. I won't get to see her after all.  She needs a hug too.

Hoping to pick Addy up and snuggle.  Truly man's best friend,, he makes a good laugh and cry pillow.

Purposing to love, laugh and dream! Enjoy the weekend! I am home for church!  God is good!

Blessed and happy, daring to hope,
Jan M. Olsen

Davy Crockett???

this old fat grandaddy coon sauntered out of the warehouse where i am getting loaded and climbed this pole.  He was quite perturbed at the paparazzi ;-)


just blindside backed into this warehouse around steel supportt beams... with only a teensy bit of sleep!
Guess what?!    GUESS WHAT?!     GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!

I was NOT allowed to go park! Instead, I am being reloaded at a Waste Management place in Pembroke Pines, then I get to park the loaded trailer and semi allllll weekend!!
I get to be in church Sunday (class and all!!!) and leave during the night Sunday taking the load to Mobile, Alabama by midnight Monday!

When I first got this word??? I immediately arranged to pick up my dog for a visit!!!! Gonna get a hotel room Fri & Saturday night close to church!!
Going to the beach today,, put my chair IN the water and SLEEP like a board....

Pick Addy up tonite,,, take him hiking tomorrow in the Glades,,,


I AM ARRANGING WITH ANGELITA THAT if she is out of school on Monday??? I am going to FLY HER from Tampa to Ft. Laud airport ( a mere 7 miles from my hideout)...
spend the weekend loving life with my lady bugs,,, then drop her back in Tampa on my way up I-75 to I-10 for Mobile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess how I am feeling right about now?????

oh yeah, and another thing?? I AM NOT GOING TO THE DOCTOR IN ORLANDO ON MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i''m gonna take a week off from those evil shots!!!!!!!!!!!!
they don't work anyway,,, and ,, well, I just am.

Still need deep sleep today to make this work for me ,,,, that is my prayer for myself is for every hour I sleep, God restore me 3 hrs worth!!

Had a kid's song playing in my spirit since dawn today ,,, it says “God's love is like a boomerang,, you give it away it comes back again”,,, and it's like LambChop's never ending song,,,,

a weekend off, see my kid and my mutt,, church,,, and no stinking doctors screwing up my mojo!!


happy happy happy,


High Points

Two of the greatest treasures of being a truck driver happens in the next 5 minutes from RIGHT NOW!
That is the simple joy I derive from crossing a bridge. Second is the anticpation & fulfillment of crresting a ridge in time to see the city nightscape in all its radiant lights of glory!
Bridges themselves fascinate the dreamer & optimist in me. A man sat on one side of a great divide, of a fixed gulf, of an impasse of water, mountain or land and he pondered in hi heart " I wonder what would happen if...... ?"
He gave feet to his query and wings to his wonder. One brick at a time, he forged a ramp to span the void.
Walls are painful, locking the builder inside with all their fear & hurts. Bridges foster hope of what is on the other side of the dream.
Also, the twinkling lights of any city stirs this Country Mouse's heart and enthusiasm.
Who will you be today?
A carpenter of dividing walls? A villain of mistrust and abuse?
Or an engineer of hopes & dreams? A facilitator of reconcilliation & and blessing?
As for me? If I can dream it? i can build it.
Stretching forward,
Jan M. Olsen
~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone