
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Sea Of Tranquility

"Come now, oh friend, and sail with me
Upon the tranquil, calming sea.
I search not for a chest of gold
Not for fine pearls or treasure olde;
I search instead for that which we
Will find now in Tranquility. . .

How true it is that we often sail to distant shores seeking that which lies hidden in our own heart, our own home. The Sea of Tranquility is not a place; it is all places, for it is buried deep within all people. Inside each heart is a private refuge; a place of serene rest which Christ referred to as 'the peace which passes understanding.' I picture this inner sanctuary as a golden ocean of light both warming and refreshing - a place I like to call The Sea of Tranquility. Won't you join me for a sail?"
--- Thomas Kinkade

Dreaming big heart size dreams!  Daring to hope! To stretch forth my hand in love and offer my peace and joy findings with those most dear.

Two weeks from today I get to see, hold, hear,, Alisha again.  And Jeremiah and his NanaJ will find at least 5 minutes apart where I may pray over him. Annoint him.  Set him on his way to finding his own relationship with his Saviour.  I will tell him the world is his for the taking, to dream big, and never settle for second best. I wil instruct him to honor and obey both of his parents and to kiss his momma in the ear every now and then,, she will pretend to dry it out and say "Stop Hisssssssing in my Ears!" 

Sending my love to Angel also. I won't get to see her after all.  She needs a hug too.

Hoping to pick Addy up and snuggle.  Truly man's best friend,, he makes a good laugh and cry pillow.

Purposing to love, laugh and dream! Enjoy the weekend! I am home for church!  God is good!

Blessed and happy, daring to hope,
Jan M. Olsen

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