
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Visiting my parents is a full-fledged Pandora's Box. Sifting the positives and negatives through the "grateful sieve", I come out in one piece and blessed. oxo,,, got my mom & dad fix :)
dad had me drive us back to Birmingham.

the girls and I hold hands,,, without thinking, I reached over and took my mom's hand.

she pulled hers away.

par for the course. why do i still feel it then?? jan you are such a dumbass
Funny, after a decade of being "Jan"...suddenly I am Janet again. Weird de ja vue. Loving the rural ride and Autumn colors! WARRIOR RIVER!!
Ok, today has beat the dog snot out of me. However, I have SAFELY arrived and spending the Best of my afternoon with my parents. So BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE :-)

No Words Necessary

God, your timing is perfect. What I see as delay,
 you see as protection.

 What I champ the bit over? You shelter me.
 In awe and gratitude :)


Slowing Down To Live

I just photographed a scary hour of my being "LOST" in my semi truck,,, the road got narrower,, and finally the pavement ran out. It became red GA clay! That kind of experience and my joy to try new things leads to my book title "No Wrong Turns" ,,,,, just roads I haven't tried yet!!! Perfect example! The original was a solo motorcycle ride in Central Florida. New photos coming to Facebook!

The roads I was lost on had names, but no road signs. Edges, but no shoulders. Hardtop, but no pavement. It was fun!
The Fall air is gentle and cool.  I like cool temps. Great for camping in a tent, hiking, fishing, just enjoying Creation!  Today I wore a lightweight long sleeve jersey, just to FEEL the fabric on my skin after a humid SoFL summer.

exquisite day of passion and inspiration!!


Everything in Georgia is running slow today, slow motion, speed of snail,, torturous turtle,,

Like the semi truck that was looking in to the glare of early eastern sunrise,, that he got blinded and ran his red light,,,, in slow motion, I saw us about to hit T-bone as I went through the green... my slowing down, and him slammiing on his brakes... averted the crash.

Angel is much better! YES! Pleased with her that she took yesterday and today out of class.. she was sick 2 weeks ago, and went back the next day she felt better... this time,, along with the ENT side of it,, she got the flu too!!!

She has had ruptured eardrums before,, so I am just glad to hear the congestion and fever is moving on. Bless her for taking the time off to recuperate!!!

I teased her, that even though she has not made time to meet up with me the last 2 times I went through tampa,, that somehow the little monkey still gave me her cold or flu or whatever. I am not claiming either... just pouring in the vitamins, tea, supplements, Airborne, and today had to add a cold remedy jsut to stay rolling.
Then as I rolled west of Albany, GA,,, on US-82.... I came upon a REAL TREAT to me!!! A Hardees in the middle of NO-Where with truck parking!!!! A rare find!! They were actually one of my first jobs in high school,, only back then they were called Poppa Jay's and served fresh fried chicken and peach cobbler.

So even though they were slow as Christmas and I can not taste anything,. just for the happy time the finding of a Hardees during breakfast hours with truck parking?? I stopped.... just for the heck of it.

Sure hoping I roll fast enough to Jasper before my clock runs out! If it is meant to be?? What will be, will be.

Today is shaping up,,, and if I dont get to see my folks?? well,, heaven knows,, my body could use a dead-to-the-world GREAT SLEEP!!!
Well...... my mom picked up the house phone. i don't think she recognized who i am... Gonna try again at noon, see if I will get close enough. Dumb ol' heart.

high cotton

Sylvester, GA-

Home of Peter Pan Peanut Butter and the Worth Cotton Gin Mill.

well now, aint that purty cool?!

the fields are white to harvest... figuratively & literally. And cotton has rained down on the roadway like snow. How rural & Americanna! Some color change for Fall and less foliage.

Well, it's 8 days until my flight Jax-Denver. It's been almost 3 weeks since I've heard from Alisha though. No replies to my weekly email. Wondering if she switched which job she worked most? She talked about full-time manager. Part-time server.

Or did Tony find out & forbid the meeting after all? I think he gave his permission as long as I did not come to their physical address? Longing for a word of confirmation that all is well.

Also, going to be minutes from my parents this afternoon, was going to spend the early evning at their place connecting.

No answer on house phone (and no v-m machine picks up??) or on their cell. No reply to text or email.

WHAT IS GOING ON? Did I miss a memo?

Nah, just being me. I'm reaching out..... it's a roll of the dice if the response breaks my heart or makes it sing. Could go either way with this silly set of people called "family".

So, working on encouraging myself...and not letting the fever win. IT's a cold this time, gotta kick that before I fly!

Jan M. Olsen

~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

Heart In My Hand

Gonna try,, key word, try,, to stop in and spend Thursday afternoon and night with my parents in Cordova, AL.

There are a few obstacles. They shouldn't drive after dark.  That not only means coming to pick me up, but also the return trip to the truck stop...

I yearn to see them.

But I would have to go back to my truck at 0300 Friday.

I dunno....


Let Them Praise

that's the song Twila Paris is singing on Moody Radio at 0115. Already feeling a conviction - a tugging in my heart to look for the blessing in my evening. Repenting of my pain and grumbling.
I did get about 5 1/2 hours of sleep. I did wake up, and eventually get stretched out to sit up, swing out, then even stand up. Took over an hour to sit upright, just now beginning to breathe less tortured.
With all that? I woke up, I COULD move, breathe, feel....and work. I have a good job, more than adequate, rewarding too.
The forest is veery black, alot of wildlife moving. So much time to share with my God, my Creator, my Father my joy and appreciation for the living. How many times has he saved me from my stupid self? How many times has he woke me up, in spite of my best efforts to sleep forever?
Pulling me deeper, closer, more intimate....loving me still. I am so blessed. I have a dream, and breath to draw... to raise PRAISE!
To love more reach out to the hurting, lonely, rejected, downcast,,,,
Thanking God for the 566,092,800 seconds I had with EACH daughter for the first 18yrs of their life...
Life and right now? Is good. Onward bound.

oh, and God?  thank you for PUFFS PLUS!!!
~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone
By sheer willpower, up, dressed, forcing lungs to expand-painfully. Taking supplements, vit, green tea, Airborne. Got a sandwich.Must roll. Must work. Will B OK