
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

high cotton

Sylvester, GA-

Home of Peter Pan Peanut Butter and the Worth Cotton Gin Mill.

well now, aint that purty cool?!

the fields are white to harvest... figuratively & literally. And cotton has rained down on the roadway like snow. How rural & Americanna! Some color change for Fall and less foliage.

Well, it's 8 days until my flight Jax-Denver. It's been almost 3 weeks since I've heard from Alisha though. No replies to my weekly email. Wondering if she switched which job she worked most? She talked about full-time manager. Part-time server.

Or did Tony find out & forbid the meeting after all? I think he gave his permission as long as I did not come to their physical address? Longing for a word of confirmation that all is well.

Also, going to be minutes from my parents this afternoon, was going to spend the early evning at their place connecting.

No answer on house phone (and no v-m machine picks up??) or on their cell. No reply to text or email.

WHAT IS GOING ON? Did I miss a memo?

Nah, just being me. I'm reaching out..... it's a roll of the dice if the response breaks my heart or makes it sing. Could go either way with this silly set of people called "family".

So, working on encouraging myself...and not letting the fever win. IT's a cold this time, gotta kick that before I fly!

Jan M. Olsen

~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

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