
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

There She Goes Just A Walkin' Down The Street...

Well that was FUN! My head in the puffy clouds I guess? I missed a junction of i-285. Ended up accidentally sightseeing Atlanta airport in an 18 wheeler. There's this MOMENT ,, kinda like being on I-70 in St. Louis headed towards Illinois,, that ONE SECOND where the Arch is in perfect symmetry and it makes my throat close off with emotion to see it like the blade of a knife?? 

In Atlanta it is a tunnel and a bridge that if you are REALLY lucky?  An airplane on it's descent to ATL will cross just a few feet overhead, giving the urge to duck!!!  I LOVE that moment!  It happened today,, and I promptly missed the merge to STAY on I-285,,, instead found myself on I-85 going around the airport parking lots. Now Folks? This is not a Geo Metro to turn around ;)   I keep my cool head and instinctively, just stay rolling.  Lo and behold, it goes back out to I-285 PRESTO!
JUST AS I GOT TO SPEED?? A vehicle flagged me down, horn blaring pointing to my tires!  I look in my mirrors, and see that a rear trailer tire is throwing rubber on the passenger side. I pull over,, but it's against a guard rail. 

My company says if most of the rubber has already blown off, to limp the truck to our Atlanta Terminal 7 miles away.  I have a bad gut feeling on this one.  But agree to do so. 

The load is 79,780 pounds (allowed 80,000).  This was weighed at 3/8 tank of fuel which is 8 pounds per gallon, total capacity is 300 gallons.

The weight settled on the remaining tires, causing a SECOND tire to overheat, then blow up!!!  As I am watching in my rearview passenger mirror I am thinking "GEEZ that's a WHOLE LOT OF RUBBER for ONE TIRE!!!"  So,,  I happen to be looking when the two outer RIMS BIT THE PAVEMENT and sparks flew!!!!!

The sparks??? Well, it took me 150-200 yards to get pulled to a safe stop on the shoulder of I-285.... as I was stopping,, the sparks are still arcing.... 

SET FOUR wildfires!!!!!  Two of those flashed up the dry tinder hill, through a chain link fence and across the divide into the neighboring lands!!!  Thankfully, there was already police and fire rescue at an accident scene  about 100 yards up on the inside NB lane, they rolled BACKWARDS on the highway and tanker trucks, big firetrucks, etc all came out to the scene.  It shut down I-285 at 3:40pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't even THINK about my fire extinguisher, lol.  I went and stomped one fire out with my tennis shoes. (not the sharpest crayon in the box).   I DID THINK TO ROLL MY DIESEL FUEL TRUCK FORWARD AWAY FROM THE OPEN FLAME!!!!!

Very concerned I would be cited and fined.  I could accept that.  It was negligence on my part, and today I failed to "protect and serve the motoring public".  Somehow, though, the minute the blazes were extinguished, all rescue personnel LEFT.  No one came to write me a ticket.  WOW!!!  A "get out of jail free card"!!!

The Company sent a maintenance driver, who arrived with two new trailer tires on two new rims.  Within 30 minutes of his arrival, I was on my way. Heartland did not require me to go onto the Yard, told me to roll with the load.

It's been a long day.  Mentally and emotionally I was in prayer and deep thought for needs I know friends, family, and fellow Journeying people have.  Physically, it has been a day of great FIRE in my joints, back, and shoulders. So,, With the delay of the FIRE on I-285??? I was then in Atlanta traffic around Cobb County,, took almost 3 hours to go 50 miles.

I am parked now,,, after only 475 miles.  I needed to do 550, but it is almost 10pm and I know the closer to Nashville that I get, there are no more rest areas,, and the truck stops are cesspools up there.  It seems wisest to stop in Monteagle, I got a parking slot at the rest area on I-24.  I can go to bed soon.

Trying to decide what I want to do to unwind??  Usually what is best for me is soft Classical or jazz,, or even light gospel music... candles..... if at home, wine......  and a period of quiet reading.  Prayer before bed.  Lately been experimenting with the meditation.  And I get in bed and drift off to sleep by counting my blessings, listening to my daughters voices where I have them saved on voicemail, and other people on voicemail telling me they love me....

I was listening to Classical piano on the radio, but they must have had a DJ shift change,, the music became more strings and their high pitched squeals and whines... I had to just turn it off and roll down the windows,, let the fresh air clear my head.

Didn't make it anywhere to get anything to eat or to get the shower I had been looking forward to all day.

However,, I'm not grumpy, I am tired.  I am SAFE!!  Atlanta is SAFE (from me)... and I am further up the road to ND today than I was yesterday!!  Talked to Angel, Dora, and Rebekah today ...

just gonna call it a night,, not do any of my relaxing rituals...

Making it work, grateful for the lessons of today,
Jan M. Olsen

Beautiful Day!

See those bumps on my back? Those are not angel  wings.  They are shoulder blades.  And they just happen to be on fire at this very minute. Fever is ripping pretty good, in my back and shoulders, down my hips  always in my arms anyway, so I forget to mention those.

While pain-wise, this is setting up to be  a very long intense day of concentrating and surviving? 

This drive north is exquisite!  Lovely cool temps, Fall colors.  The other motorists seem to be in fairly good moods and are not acting totally like imbeciles.

My mind is pretty clear, and I wish I could just write all day towards my book.  I sense a flow,, and something DEEP coming to a head. 

Gotta roll though.  My goal of getting the majority of this trip accomplished in the daylight is on track.  Already, I am looking foward to the end of the workday.  I am enthralled by my new book.  Just the idea of a hot relaxing shower,, a hot tea,, and reading or writing time tonight?? Makes me want to get out and push the loaded trailer to move faster, MUSH!


Blessed to be working and able to feel everything,
Jan M. Olsen
Wow, intended to go to bed close to 2 hrs ago....but somehow sat "just for a minute" with a new Costanza jazz cd and new book....looked up? it's 12:45am??