
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

An Invitation To Celebrate A Birthday With Me

At the time I was arrested I had no idea it would turn into this. It was just a day like any other day. The only thing that made it significant was that the masses of the people joined in. ~Rosa Parks 

     Sometimes it is amusing to watch people advertise "It's my birthday all week! Look at ME!" Just as funny to me are the casual social media "Hi Happy Birthday greetings" on your page from people that you haven't seen in 20 years and that will not talk to you again for the next 365 days. The commercialism and emphasis on holidays in general has me a bit jaded to the point where I am quite the Scrooge.  Every now and then, someone I truly care about, and interact with throughout the year will tweak a text or FB cheery greeting from me, but by and large? I have kept my birthday off the records for the past 13 years on purpose.

     This year, on my birthday, I have the opportunity through my OTR job to travel towards Boston, Massachusetts and will be in the vicinity of a Thunder Road event!! I will be sending my energy and blessings towards them. See the event here --->>

     I have Facebook, Twitter, email, text and in person followers from many walks of life and we met in such a wonderful bouquet of ways spanning our lifetimes. I got on FB in June 2008   to follow Pastor Hattabaugh and YOM '08 as they went to Peru. I had no idea 5 years later, I would be interacting, entertaining, and connecting with over 400 friends, family and people I genuinely care about! THANK YOU! 

     Some of you like to hear funny trucking stories, my dumb blonde goof ups,  or a Captain's Daily Log of life Over The Road. Often I get feedback from the photos that you feel as if you are travelling shotgun and enjoying the USA. From my side? I feel love, connection, accountability, and can stay grounded to who I have always been - - someone that lives to shine Light, share Joy, forward my service and financial means to others, and that loves God, family, friends, Country and all that I meet with my every fiber, every day. No strangers, just friends I haven't met yet.

     If you have tagged along for very long, you know I am not oblivious to Christmas or birthdays.  It's common for me to get a hotel room and then go buy and wrap gifts for the housekeeper's 4 kids and put them under the tree in the hotel lobby. Or to buy a meal for a senior, or a Veteran, a single parent several times a week.  I often tip 40% to my server, knowing they came to work for a reason and if I can bless them? I will do it. My very best friends and family receive random cards, flowers, gifts, poems and notes reminding them that I love them 365 days a year,,, not just on a birthday or holiday.

     HOWEVER!!!!  About three months ago, I decided to just let it be. I am STILL going to work my heart out on birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas and all the other holidays that are often lonely and just another calendar day.  But I've learned from my friend, Mark, to let all things be possible. To enjoy what shows up, and to be fully Present, enjoying THAT moment. No other moment in Life will ever be exactly the same, so I will savor and experience ALL of the gift of Right Now.


Before you read another line of my blog post, 
please *STOP* 

click this link .  

  • Watch the short video. 
  • Read the information presented. 
  • Look at the incentives offered on the right. 
  • Go back to the top of the page and click the "DONATE NOW" button and give a gift from your heart. 
  • Then please share this link on all of your social media sites and in emails, texts, and phone calls with your friends until the goal is met.
  • Continue sharing, linking, Tweeting and promoting until the production goal is met!

      This is what I want to share with you, all my friends and family this year.  It means very much to me. By learning about "Thunder Road" and becoming a part of helping to spread the word of their fundraising campaign on Kickstarter,  I have been educated, awakened, inspired and motivated to serve the men and women that have protected America with their lives. 

     The few men and women choose to leave their comfort, home, and families to go fight for you and I, then they return home with serious physical, mental, and emotional needs that many are unaware or unconcerned about. The time is NOW to become educated, stirred up, and called to action ourselves to create CHANGE to minister to the Veterans of US and British military that suffer from PTSD or Traumatic Brain Injury.

Statistics: 22 veterans every day commit suicide, and 1 active duty soldier and Marine commit suicide. This is a growing epidemic we know as PTSD. 

     Here is another link that contains background information on the 3 men working so hard to bring about Change and a movie in production that will  shed light on the subject no one wants to hear because it makes them uncomfortable. It gives the facts, history and statistics of WHY this movie MUST BE made *NOW!  

 Click here for more background info --->>   Thunder Road - Who Are We?

     What does this movie and subject have to do with my August 2013 birthday?  I have a request. There is something you can do for me. You won't have to see me, call me  - - - I am asking that you click RIGHT NOW and after taking a look around the page? Make a pledge and then SHARE on Thunder Road with your friends, family and those that can join us to make a difference and to be a part of the Change.

     Connected on Facebook?

  Click to instantly view photos, videos, news articles, interviews and fellow citizens uniting together for this great need in this hour. Like their page! Connect with them.  Share the page on your Facebook.

     Connected on Twitter?  Find them @AstoriaFilmCo  and join the conversation. Share, Connect, and become a part of the Change!

      Every one of us can be a part of this great mission and bring change through education, knowledge and compassion to effect the future care and health of our soldiers and returning veterans.  On my birthday, I will be hitting the streets posting fliers, talking to people, emailing, texting, Tweeting and continuing to lobby for Thunder Road Kickstarter to reach its goal. 

     Please join me? 

     If you know me? You realize I would not be enthusiastic about anything with a "political agenda" 

     This movie will be more focused on education and compassion. Many will go away stirred and feeling a call to action simply by wanting to create a positive shift and Change in the way we treat our soldiers and veterans. 

     I will end as I began, with a quote from Rosa Parks.  Who knows the scope a life will have, when all is said and done? Much to be considered, the choices are up to me to tend to as lovingly as a gardener of miracles.  Curious where I will be in life one year from today?

Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.~ Rosa Parks 

With much love and respect,
~Jan M. Olsen~

ii John v. 12