
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Tonite I AM.........

*** SIDE NOTE... I know... I KNOW!!  I really shouldn't TURN THE FULL HEAT OF MY SMILE  onto anyone,,, LOL... couldnt resist though,,,, I fired it up on Sami at Chick-Fil-A.... Poor dude,, DIDNT STAND A CHANCE, lol.  He was a stammering mess.  HOW FUNNY!  I kinda like doing that every now and then,,,, JUST TO MESS WITH PEOPLE! (ROFL)


Feeling a CRUSHING WEIGHT square in my CHEST and CORE BEING!
omw....may HAVE TO DANCE after all ....
when i FINALLY get back to Jax???!!!
i know thats a heavy industrial area....Bet i could find a dark service road and go DANCE my guts out before I BLOW MY BRAINS OUT or screw up somewhere???
FRIDAYS....HEY at leasst I dont have a home.... FRIDAY tends to be "jusst another day"..... that FRIDAY FEELING aint hit me like this since the Perseids.
collateral damage is LIKELY

being "back home"???   i know which radio stations play what,,, and if i cave to an OLD DESTRUCTIVE HABIT OR TWO OR THREE????


~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone
My "GRATEFUL and LOVING" list is so rich, full,and long? My nap could be over before I reach the end of my thankful,peacefully prayers and smiling ;-) Blessed.

Goldielocks Says "Juuuust Right!"

Finally! Running on fumes, last sleep was 9pm wednesday and a snooze in Hollywood. Got the temperature PUUURRR-FECT here in my truck! My hands and feet are blue, nose is icy, and lips are at risk to chap.

Yep! It is freezing COLD in my truck! Never mind that it is an exquisite latter October day :-/

Sooo chilly? Yes, so I can burrow and snuggle down in soft layers of sheets, fleece, and sleeping bag.

Just sleep better cuddled up...Addy aint here to lend his ears for me to rub until I drift off. So? Snug as a bug in a rug it is!

Noonish now, back up at 4pm so I can get lunch, drive at 5:30pm.... hah! Gotta love hate the trucker crazy schedules! Glad to have work. That's the most important detail! Blessed to be physically still able, and loving the USA!

Finally uploaded trip photos to Picasa. Ready to have both my girls rendevous in a condo or something for a weekend or holiday.

HEY! a girl can dream big!

G'nite, world! Sweet dreams, please.

Jan O

~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone


Added on Friday  at 0600:   Whew! Seriously dragging tail!!  Would technically be late for delivery appointment. Was half wishing for a deer or flat tire, LOL... any excuse better than "Grumpy ol' Goat needs a nap."

Trucking just slays me with their waste of money and manpower.  The  company sent me deadhead (no! Not ME, lol... the trailer is EMPTY  thus the term - deadhead)  220 miles Miami to Orlando to pick up 50 washing machines going 4 (paid) miles to Winter Park.  It was supposed to be a pre-loaded trailer.

Get here, on verge of late or very tight OTD and find it is a LIVE load!

HAH!! Saved by the kerfluffel!!
Now it's between Sears and my company to set a delivery time! Wipe the sweaty brow from THAT one.  Was bummed to be running late. Not my style at all. Just flat wore out and moving sloooooow :(
Always get concerned when after a period of headache and swelling that my right side goes numb and hard to command.... and my brain gets thoughts jumbled..
When that's not a condition of my heart, but instead a product of headache and high blood pressure? I can't help but wonder if its happening again?
I had a wonderful day of self-reconnection at Hollywood Beach. However, my personal prayer that I get even temporary respite from fever, joint pain, fatigue and scary high BP did not come to pass.
God is a healer. One way or another. His timing. His terms. TO HIS GLORY...
meanwhile, God please protect the motorists that share the roads with me.
This afternoon, enjoyed a 65 minute phone call with Angel. We had been playing phone tag, Both of us had begun to experience frustration the other was brushing off. A small series of missed cues or misread comments had simmered.
I love that little Lady. When I think I have "mind-struggles" ? It only takes a glimpse into Another's World to find my own abundant showerss of blessings! Thankful we took time to mend that broken, sparking foil path connection! New fuses and wiring? Restored service :)
Meanwhile as I drive tonight to Orlando, my numb right side would be comical if I weren't having nerve and muscle spasms behind this big wheel. One day.... I will understand it better by and by... right?
Listening to "Music Through The Night" and choosing to purpose in counting my blessings,
Jan M. Olsen
~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phon