
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Added on Friday  at 0600:   Whew! Seriously dragging tail!!  Would technically be late for delivery appointment. Was half wishing for a deer or flat tire, LOL... any excuse better than "Grumpy ol' Goat needs a nap."

Trucking just slays me with their waste of money and manpower.  The  company sent me deadhead (no! Not ME, lol... the trailer is EMPTY  thus the term - deadhead)  220 miles Miami to Orlando to pick up 50 washing machines going 4 (paid) miles to Winter Park.  It was supposed to be a pre-loaded trailer.

Get here, on verge of late or very tight OTD and find it is a LIVE load!

HAH!! Saved by the kerfluffel!!
Now it's between Sears and my company to set a delivery time! Wipe the sweaty brow from THAT one.  Was bummed to be running late. Not my style at all. Just flat wore out and moving sloooooow :(
Always get concerned when after a period of headache and swelling that my right side goes numb and hard to command.... and my brain gets thoughts jumbled..
When that's not a condition of my heart, but instead a product of headache and high blood pressure? I can't help but wonder if its happening again?
I had a wonderful day of self-reconnection at Hollywood Beach. However, my personal prayer that I get even temporary respite from fever, joint pain, fatigue and scary high BP did not come to pass.
God is a healer. One way or another. His timing. His terms. TO HIS GLORY...
meanwhile, God please protect the motorists that share the roads with me.
This afternoon, enjoyed a 65 minute phone call with Angel. We had been playing phone tag, Both of us had begun to experience frustration the other was brushing off. A small series of missed cues or misread comments had simmered.
I love that little Lady. When I think I have "mind-struggles" ? It only takes a glimpse into Another's World to find my own abundant showerss of blessings! Thankful we took time to mend that broken, sparking foil path connection! New fuses and wiring? Restored service :)
Meanwhile as I drive tonight to Orlando, my numb right side would be comical if I weren't having nerve and muscle spasms behind this big wheel. One day.... I will understand it better by and by... right?
Listening to "Music Through The Night" and choosing to purpose in counting my blessings,
Jan M. Olsen
~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phon

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