
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Let Them Praise

that's the song Twila Paris is singing on Moody Radio at 0115. Already feeling a conviction - a tugging in my heart to look for the blessing in my evening. Repenting of my pain and grumbling.
I did get about 5 1/2 hours of sleep. I did wake up, and eventually get stretched out to sit up, swing out, then even stand up. Took over an hour to sit upright, just now beginning to breathe less tortured.
With all that? I woke up, I COULD move, breathe, feel....and work. I have a good job, more than adequate, rewarding too.
The forest is veery black, alot of wildlife moving. So much time to share with my God, my Creator, my Father my joy and appreciation for the living. How many times has he saved me from my stupid self? How many times has he woke me up, in spite of my best efforts to sleep forever?
Pulling me deeper, closer, more intimate....loving me still. I am so blessed. I have a dream, and breath to draw... to raise PRAISE!
To love more reach out to the hurting, lonely, rejected, downcast,,,,
Thanking God for the 566,092,800 seconds I had with EACH daughter for the first 18yrs of their life...
Life and right now? Is good. Onward bound.

oh, and God?  thank you for PUFFS PLUS!!!
~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

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