
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Friday, October 8, 2010

HE Speaks!

Walking from my truck the half mile or so to my car, as droopy as I feel, my two backpacks seemed made of lead. Like a mule I slogged along, unmindful of the gorgeous SoFL day!
In the lot where my car rests, I had to notice the screams & cacaphony overhead. Looking up I saw a a massive osprey nest. Judging from the racket, there is an entire battalion of young birds in there!! Whew! It was LOUD!!
As I gott underneath, and snapped a mobile photo, the noise abruptly ceased! Not a rustle or peep!! I was an unknown threat to that majestic family.
It called to mind the story of old how God feeds the birds even though they do not sow. And he clothes the lilies in fine array, though they neither toil nor spin.How much more mindful is he of the cries and needs of his creation that he fashioned in his image and breathed into man's nostrils his own breath.

I stayed a few minutes, noticing the feel of the warm day, the scents on the breeze, and the sudden eerie silence from that nest.

God loves me. He knows exactly where I am in all ways. He knows what I can bear, and what it will take for HIM to receive all glory and praise.

I choose - let everything that hath breath, praise ye the Lord. WHO AM I THAT HE IS MINDFUL OF ME? I am his own.

Resting in the arms of safety and love,
Jan M.Olsen
~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

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