
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Banks Are Overflowing

I was in wal-mart getting fresh sunscreen when I got a text that cheered my whole day. My next stop was to be the hotel by the beach. Was going to go ahead and rent it so I wouldn't be paying parking meters elsewhere paying double duty.

 The text was from the family that has my dog, Addy. It specifically asked "would you like to stay here in Noah's room for FREE?" This is a minimum savings of $100 for two nights in a hotel. I don't need much. Shower, bed, and Addy-O.

While at the beach, I went into the water up to my shoulders and just bobbed along. Cooling my inner core, taking stress off my joints. I could sleep or even live floating in the water!!!

On the shore, practiced deliberate deep breathing. Made me yawn! LOL... Liked it though. The more I do it,,,the more areas I seem to be able to expand...

Then I just FEEL the beach scene...the slick suntan oil, the fruity coconut smell, the drying wind. I put my lounger IN the ocean. Filtered the wet mud through my fingers and squeezed trying to hold a wave on the sand!

I have pretty feet and I enjoyed walking the lap line and noticing how the foot flexes in a step motion and curls into the sand as it rolls out of a step.

The age-old smooth worn shells, caused by friction and wear. The flock of pigeons cooing at my feet foraging.

I can hear single drops of spray....feel my hair lifting in the breeze. Burned my feet on the pavement like a preschooler. Swam some more =-) Snoozed.
Found a pair of Gucci sunglasses in the surf. Probably expensive, equalized by their freedom from their owner.

So, I breathed in deeply again, curious what was next. Not sure where Time will take me, but it's a wonderful ride!

Experiencing all that I can.
Jan M.Olsen

Sent Urom my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

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