
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Won't You Be My Neighbor

then there's the ancient old white-legged old man wearing what can only be his wife's floweredy shorts for swim trunks???? Laughed at that one!!

The mom screeching at her 2 young sons "I told you not to get wet!" Huuuhello!!! It's high tide at the Atlantic ocean? Who is the grown up here? And why are you in my listening space?

With tide coming in? Suddenly the 6-8 lines of surfing breakers have blended to 2 solid aggravated line of roiling white foam and ocean spittle.

Think I will use my remaining parking meter time allowed to walk the shore SLeep is chased away by Mother Of The Year and her loud rant :-/

been an unwinding 4 hours.... great time utilization! Feeling pretty good about things.

Noticing the chill creeping into the dusk air as the sun flirts with the palm trees in its mad descent to the horizon.

Friday 5pm traffic should be calmed down by the time my meter runs out. There was a method to my madness at those 2 extra quarters :)

Happy, relaxed,
Jan M. Olsen

~ J ~
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

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