
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I found this tonight in an old email address that I used as online storage for my Dad and I and our prose, poetry, and my early writings for my book. Made me go all warm and fuzzy inside.  He wrote a parody back.  I will include it later.  Enjoy the smile. Ready, set, go!

>>Sent: June 19, 2007 10:28 PM

Happy Father's Day, Dad!
"Dad". Best friend to be had.
 Ever since he was a young lad, he was meant to be my Dad.
 Builds things with ease, using nails and brad, that's my Dad.
 His tales make the butterfy's knees quake just a tad.
Fix things, grow green stuff, and fish, catching more than just shad.
His wisdom altho quick can make you feel like a cad.
 Wit, wise, and thoughtful he's more than a fad.
I tried as a kid not to make Dad too mad.
 Camping out in the rough, he used sleeping bags to pad.
My Dad out of date? Don't be absurd! I think he is RAD!
 The end of my rhyme comes, so now I am sad,

 Hope your day was a happy one, I love you, my Dad!"
I truly didn't miss Father's day,, not really. I hope you could feel it long distance? I was thinking of you. I was in school that day, practicing the complex manuevers in the semis for finals this week. Then I went right back to the work grind after being off a week on vacation with the girls ( we had a blast!). I am in the countdown phase now. I need to choose a company ( got it down to 3-5),,, and set a date for an orientation. I get paid for 4th of July at the hotel,,, would be a shame to let that extra 8 hrs wage go. I am ready to be moving on, though.

I do love you and hope my lines above bring you a smile! I can send this at 10:30pm my time, and you can get it when you are awake, LOL. Heading to work now.

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