
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Status Check

Well, Monday was absolutely a new dawn! I slept, rested 8 full hours last night. I could have gone to the church to pray by 0700, instead, I got MUCH MORE accomplished in my well-being by resting, and also some seriously deep work with Spirit -realm before engaging my body to move around. Forces at war.
Interceding yesterday and today on behalf of family and fellow Travellers in this Journey.

I am sorry I was so depleted yesterday as to be down. Today, it was major effort to put on the Ritz to go back to my work or to socialize  with those that did not join me to that certain level at that time. Isn't it a lovely thing when we are not all down at once? The necessary UNITY was present, as I detailed previously.

Enroute now to Fargo, North Dakota. Just passed my daughter at USF Tampa. After she was hit head on by a car striking her bicycle at dusk, she won't walk or ride much after dark. The time change to Standard means I must pass by. My love to the Little Warrior :)

In the next few minutes, will be praying, meditating, and drawing inspiration. I'm preparing myself to call D and R to be sure they are all right after my meltdown yesterday.They look up to me like baby birds in a nest, I fervently pray that by allowing my weakness and frailties to show honestly that I did no harm.

I want to learn from them. As they learn from me. Surely their experience seeing me unguarded and in utmost of travail and anguish for OTHERS will cause them to grow as well.

I will know more soon.
~ J ~铄ent froü my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

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