
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

As I Get Off the Bus...

I went ahead and backed my empty into the dock, preparing now to disconnect, hook to the new and head to Jax.

I guess what bums me out, besides the fear I felt having to warn the DM he was gonna get chewed out?

Is that I am a damned good driver!  I dropped that trailer in ONE SHOT into a single dock, with cars all up in front where the tractor should have swing room.

Also, I am a conscientous employee.  I take self- pride in a job well-done. That's because all glory goes to God!  By my work, by my attention to detail , by my solicitous concern for the finer aspects, my every action in my life is for God's glory. Not my own.  It's not "self" pride, its a drive to be the best I can be for GOD!  I am just the vessel.

My work ethic is strict, solid, and commendable.  So I feel the sting of "being late" at all.  Then to get the first brunt of the phone call?  Bugs me ... prolly more than it should.

a Happy Hattabaughism here applies : If the devil can't deceive you. He will distract you.  A beautiful day, a blessing from God, better health, awesome job, weather, outlook... and a distraction pops up. Up to me to respond. What will it be?

I do love my job.  And it bring me great pleasure as a person, I can succeed in it.  Excel.  Meet my obligations.Have fun with it.  Endless opportunities to meet people, establish rapport, build relationships, and brighten someone's life just by passing through it.

So,, I am blessed... and I know it... gotta let the small stuff that won't matter tomorrow,, much less the next 20 years,,, or Eternity,,, gotta let it go, Jan. Ya gotta let it go, Girl!

As this hick would say? "Deceiver? Kiss my GRITS!"

As my motivator, Matt Maddix would say rather enthusiatically, "IN YOUR FACE, DEVIL!"

Playing some positive and uplifting music...

Chin up, Soldier! Ok, A. W., I got this from here. Thanks, Gringo.

its gonna be ok, K?


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