
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Day Like Any Other

At the time I was arrested I had no idea it would turn into this. It was just a day like any other day. The only thing that made it significant was that the masses of the people joined in. ~Rosa Parks

My 43rd birthday came and went as a day like any other in recent years. I find myself in a sea of people, each one teeming in their own ocean.  For the second August 27th  in a row,  my  work day happened so that I was glad to get a Subway sandwich and happy to find a parking place that was relatively safe for 10 hours.

My oldest daughter, Angel, stayed awake to call me at 12:01am on August 27, 2011.  She sang to me, and quoted to me a childrens' book, "The Kissing Hand".   Little beast made me cry as I drove my semi truck overnight.  Then as she was winding down, getting drowsy on the phone,  I told her she was the bestest.  She quipped, "I thought I was the P.S.?"  So I replied, "The PS-est of the PS's."  

As the disconnect was made, I heard one last giggle, "You are Cwazy lady!"  to which I called back to note, "I heard that!".... made us both laugh then and today as she admits to being goofy sleepy and unsure what we said last night.

A few months ago I had to get a new cell phone when my Verizon phone broke.  I changed carriers altogether.  I lost over 12 saved voicemails that I had cherished for several years of my daughters, friends, church family and other loved ones leaving me songs, made up fantasy stories of Thor waiting for us in a cabin in the woods, and sundry declarations of love.  Since having the new phone? No one has called to sing or say they love me to the voicemail.  Until today ~ my dad sang "Happy Birthday" Phil Hooper style.... my first saved Sprint voicemail!!!!

When I called him back, I heard a tale that made my heart shake and curled my insides.  A huge oak tree branch had crashed through their bedroom ceiling, landing only 10 inches from my sleeping Dad's face.  Fairly extensive damage to the house, an insurance adjuster, and much work to clear the debris has filled their week.  Hearing about it after the fact shook me.  Our time on earth is fleeting as it is.

My Mom?  Bless her.  She says she mailed me a birthday card weeks ago.  I do not know who got the card? I hope they enjoyed the silly poetry from my Dad and signature from my mom? LOL. She did not say anything to me today, she had done her deed by mailing the card. I just let her repeat things I have heard as a broken record for the past months, knowing she would suddenly "have to go"  at any minute to a life I interuppted by my phone call to say "I love you Mom." I was glad she is here to talk to me one more day and do not look forward to the silence that will one day be the case.

Thank you Brett, my DM for the laughing wishes on Friday, for Jim the mechanic that let me slide without a routine service, for the text messages from my Aunt Lannis that gave me a crib to sleep in as an infant, and who raised me as a twin to my cousin. Texts also came this week from Dawn Reckhart, my Auburndale friend sister in God.  Dawn was steeling for a direct hit in New Jersey from Hurricane Irene, and yet kept my phone busy the last couple of days assuring me of her love. I am a blessed girl!

This day last year, I was still in pain with an illness and carrying unrepented injuries in my memories. This year  I was blessed to be released of both, and for that I am extremely grateful. Thank you to my abiding friend, Mark. Opening the present,  2011 has been amazing in terms of growth, new ideas and a revolving door of fresh opportunities to become my best self.

Preparing for my fourth Reunion, Reconcilliation, Reconnection trip to Colorado to be with Alisha and my two grandsons, I have had an usually odd work week. The normal week being 14 hour days, I am not used to sitting around at such odd intervals, yet pinned to the responsibility for the truck or trailer.  Friday I only did 450 miles, and wanting more work, I requested to run overnight. Wish granted, I ran from 9pm Friday - 1100 am Saturday for an additional 500 miles.

  I was supposed to run 578 miles 9pm Saturday-Sunday, but that load cancelled.  I made my mind up while still in the bunk this evening in prayer, to be submitted to God's will and plan, wherever he may choose to go with me.  When the load cancelled? I had a lot of peace, and figure I will enjoy flipping back to the dayshift, and the extra double resting period will be wonderful to my body, mind, spirit before my Colorado trip.

If I had known ahead that I had Sunday off, I would have set up a ride to a local church in Jacksonville, FL.  There may still be time to make those arrangements when I wake up. Who knows?

God knows.  He also knows the plans he has for me. He knows where I am now. He knows that I am both grateful to be alive and ready for the next year, and that I am weary sometimes of this life in general.  He knows my heart and the Processes I am going through. Reassuringly, he knows the Outcome as well.


Letting go the control that I do not have anyway and climbing up in my Daddy's arms like I am 4 .... not 43. 

I will end as I began, with a quote from Rosa Parks.  Who knows the scope a life will have, when all is said and done? Much to be considered, the choices are up to me to tend to as lovingly as a gardner of miracles.  Curious where I will be in life one year from today?

Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.~ Rosa Parks

Jan M. Olsen


markedgarstephens said...

You write beautifully. It is easy to feel your emotional connection in all that you write. It is a gift. Happy Birthday!!!

Jan said...

Thank you for the compliment. It will be interesting to see the offerings of another year.