
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Reaching That Place

As all manner of Life anniversaries and milestones assail me during the late Spring and Summer months, I am reminded of all my many blessings and gifts in this life.  From birthdays to wedding anniversaries,  service years, dates important people joined or left my life stream, it is all very new and fresh this year.  August is one of those months full of anniversaries.

I know  people  tend to look at my life and have one of two opinions.  Either they think I am the coolest cat with the best job ever, and they are right. I am and I do  :)    Or they feel sorry I am alone, no residence, no one close to me.  They are right in the facts of that reality, but I view all of those results as their own blessings for various reasons.

2010- Present day, I learn more every day how to simplify my life,  how to enrich the lives that come in  contact with  mine, and how to find the blessing in everything.  I'm an optimist by nature and it doesn't take much for me to settle down, breathe calmly and see God is in control and that I am amply blessed in favor.

All of this gentle acceptance of my life and learning to date leads me to a place of rest in my Spirit. I am calmer, happier, more grateful, as well as exercising forgiveness more readily to myself and others.  The most recent developments are allowing love and other gifts to flow in and out of me less hindered. A consummate student of Life, there is much yet to learn or experience.  The forward progress thrills me immensely.

  One area that surely needs polishing is my lack of patience with things I cannot control such as my work dispatches in the fickle job of transportation with all its myriad of variables, weather, or relying on other people. I really wrestle with tolerance of stupid, and try to surrender the stressfull need of fixxing everything to follow the frame I design. Smiling, I am a work in progress.

A very specific area of great improvement in my life has been choosing to simplify.  If a person is not inspiring, loving, enriching, motivating, or encouraging?  If I am not offering those same traits to them?  Then I examine closely to see why they are on my contact list.  Life is too short to live with any abuse or disrespect of my value or time.   Also, in the Fall months, I will be culling my storage units.  If it hasn't been used in the recent months? ( this is 99% of the contents)  Pass it along to charities that could pair it with those who need it. This will reduce my resources of time, money, travel, and worry being expended on  a life that is founded in the Past.

All of the above paragraph is taking serious work for me to examine and reach a place of calm or acceptance.  Day by day, I grow in God's nurturing plan. Being blessed with abundance is a gift, filtering that  bounty through love is a privilege.

These musings bring me to Today. I am on the edge of being soul weary again.  I am the only person in charge of how I react. Therefore, I am not going to make plans with anyone to do anything on the next time off I get. I'm in position work-wise to get to my car in SoFL - - -  sometime this weekend. It's nice that people want to include me in BBQs, reunions, visiting church services, etc, but if I have to drive more than 20 minutes to arrive?  Then I am losing some of the pleasure in the gift.

Making a command decision, I informed my friends that I will not drive in my personal car  almost 500 miles roundtrip on 2 days off duty from my semi truck.  I hope everyone understands, I am grateful for the overflow of blessings.  Instead of filling my days, I hope to rest and  foster the recharging of  my batteries on my next time off, whenever that occurs.  This powerful choice releases the pressure cooker to force elements of Time and driving trucks under Dispatch that I do not have control over into conforming to my overloaded personal schedule.

 There are TWO METEOR SHOWERS pelting the summer skies right now!!!  I can easily imagine a sultry August night in the next few days, lying on the Atlantic beachline, with nothing more pressing than counting earthgrazers on my mind!   If it happens this way? Great! If it does not? The meteors are still zipping, I will continue viewing them from my current location.

I am also in need of time under God's unfathomable skies to DANCE!!!!

I'm embracing my growth into  a place of tolerance, love, peace, gratitude and renewal.   How my heart sings!

Reaching that place,
  Jan M. Olsen

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