
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


What a pleasant way to begin a fresh day!!  It's is sunrise somewhere nearby. The ambient light is gentle. The air is cool. Walking back to my truck from the front doors of this Sears store where I camped for 0700 delivery, the birds put on a full blown orchestra for me!!!

This made me smile & pause to listen. Which is a good thing to do both.

I did not sleep well. Only lay down about 4 hours, and those were fraught with a recurring bad dream that leaves me shaking and wondering what it means. So, I went to bed hurting, woke up hurting,, and on the walk back to the truck, I paid attention to the sounds of my breathing... it was actually rushes of exhale to push out pain,, and sharp inhales with catches at the end ,,,

Made an effort to calm it down and to time the breaths to match the pain,,, and to focus on those lovely birds awhile.  Worth the work :)

One day, in the soon and very soon, I won't wake to pain or have that as a part of daily life. I won't have to dread the turn in my cab to clamber into the bunk. Won't have to lay in bed, considering just getting back up,,, rather read or work if it's gonna hurt to where I can't rest anyway.

And lastly, I won't have to gingerly flex my joints and stretch to see,,, on a scale of 1-10 where am I an 11 this morning and where is just a 6????

Was told by the staff here it will be about 30 minutes before they begin to unload me.  Two stops after this one depend on timely clockwork. This is a caveat of truck driving, always being alert, expecting a knock on the door loud enough to raise Lazarus from the dead.

This is a gift of time. He said, "oh yeah, we will come wake you up".  I have about 10 minutes left of that 30..... and as I typed, the shadows were chased away, the sun in my rear view mirror is taking form, and the birds?? Well, they are in a new movement in their concert piece and I am going to just close my eyes and listen with my whole body....

Have a great day!!

Jan M. Olsen

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