
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Friday, October 22, 2010

So Close.....

I am within 3.5 miles of where my youngest daughter is at work.  I had to pull over the side of the road to gather myself.  A case of the nerves :-/

She and I are two hard heads, used to bump alot. I don't wanna live on eggshells,, worried she will cut me out if I tick her off.   It takes REAL WORK to frustrate me to the walk-away point.....  like 14 yrs, 11 months, 3 weeks, 6 days to leave a marriage that was a dead end to begin with,,, that kind of thing.

One of Alisha's "I HAVE ARRIVED" points was her 18th birthday,, so she could "pick an arguement and then walk out and I couldnt tell her to sit down and finish it".... lolollol 

Well, she certainly arrived there. What did it prosper?

So I wanna see her, hug her,, love her,,, share my peace and the strides I have made in my own life,, as well as get to know, Alisha the adult, mother of one...

My hands are shaking..... my tummy in a flopping racket.

Need to take some time to talk myself into making that last step  ...  the reality of answer to many prayers, sleepless nights, and blessings.

3.5 miles..... sigh......  a long deep breath a mile????  LOL

here I go :)
a supportive reply?
I'm so glad. This is not an answer to prayer. This is an answer to many prayers!

Enjoy. Live it. Love it. Experience it. And come back refreshed and reconnected to your daughter. Blessings!

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