
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A-H-RR-OO-W-LLL!!! COLD SHOWER! Yeah buddy!

I love not having a home to go to.. I mean that in deep humor.

 A  fun song by SirMixAlot says:
 "Transform scratchin', big beat matchin'

I can tell you're getting jealous by the look I'm catchin'"
yall just wish you could cold shower on the beach as a normal routine, like me!

 It is great to watch the funny looks I catch when I shampoo and condition my hair, soap up with a washcloth, and then apply all over body conditioner that rinses off!!   Love how soft the conditioner makes my skin and it makes the water bead up on me. I get salt and sand and suntan oil in my slitzs and take a shower before I get dressed, LOL.  I am usually headed straight back to work, or to church,,, tonight, it's not for a service, it is to serve by teaching/ being taught by the elders.

{{ 80 years old , Resident Angel- "you mean if you take that little grey cord and connect it into the back of that thing there, then the other end goes into your printer? Is that what you are telling me?"

But I do get tickled by whole shower bit... I am so nice and fresh and clean clean! Ting!  LOL... Smelling great,,,

 loved every second of my soiltude in and on the ocean... just me and my Creator!  Ahhhhh....

Will be driving from midnight,, no sleep since 9pm Wednesday,, but I will sleep tomorrow most likely???

WHat a gift today was!!  Love ya, Bro. Clark! Thought of you today! Will catch ya up on that later

Riding off into the Atlantic sunset :)
Jan M. Olsen

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