
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ugh,, A BLAST Bubbling It's Way To The Fore

Ok, the merry go round of highs and lows is wearing a bit thin. The novelty is wearing off.  Always a deep thinker, seems I don't often come to a conclusion or assessment. Getting ticked off at myself for this lack. 

Once again, I'm about to just lay it out,, rough draft style. Some may be repeat, some may be new, all of it is on my mind,,, or better said "in" my mind at this moment.  I spent years just going for a walk or workout when these gut wrenching revelations came forth. Not quite to the point where I need a night at the batting cages?? But bound up in knots inside. Close enough, to anger to to feel it's stinky sulfuric breath of poison and disillusion.

*as usual, I second guess myself. Is this revelations a good development of my awareness? Or cause for alarm? Perhaps even repentance?

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