
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Up and At 'Em

Well, I finally got 3 hours of sleep in the middle of the day, evening.  Then at 10:30pm, my alarm rang. I got up from a dead sleep to get dressed. The other driver would be here with my relay load any moment.

JUst the movement of vertigo from lying down to an upright position and I was sick all over the place!! Those medicines I take by injection each week are dastardly evil and often I can not take the anti-emitic if I am going to drive as it makes me drowsy.

On a scale of 1-10 the fever and pain tonight is a 7 or 8.

All my joints, not just my upper body are affected. 

Then I lay back down fully dressed.  Th edriver arrived about 11pm,, and I have been up fueling, connecting to the trailer, etc.  Very nauseous, alot of pain,,, fatigue.

this wil be a rough night.

I have been practicing better breathing and feeling skills.  Unfortunately,, not enough that they are the dominant habit yet.  I can't get a grip on the pain or queasy ness.

I have to drive 350 miles to Miami immediately.

The load, once dropped and hooked to an empty trailer, I will be going to Sunrise to my culdesac, park my rig, switch to my car, go to the church,, then most likely, go to the truck, climb in bed and sleep like Rip Van Winkle.

On a differing note- I did make the effort to breathe (deliberately) ,,, and while I do not feel cured, I did find strength to look UP!  The sky is clear, the stars very visible in all their formations.

I am grateful to be alive. at all.  Each day is a gift.  What will I give back in return?

My drive will consist of 6-7 hours of fervent prayers and interceding for others,,,,  through this God sustains me as well.  Focus wil be off of my body and its limitations, and on the greatness of allmighty, Sovereign God.

By concentrating on OTHERS  I will feel better, more blessed, more gratitude, and less of the infirmities of this mortal and weary flesh.


I am alive!!!! I am able to work!!  I am blessed with a job I love that seems tailored to my specific needs and schedule!!!!  I even showered before I lay down to nap, so I COULD just tuck and roll ,,, and the shower 3 days in a row>?>??  I am grateful for the running water and hot temperatures, ended by the cool rinse.

This is already tomorrow,, at 12:01am, Friday,, I start my workday,,,,

Blessed and honored to be alive.

Jan M. Olsen

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