
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Blowing Like The Wind

It's been a wonderful weekend off duty!  This year brought unexpected challenges.  I went into Autumn 2012 a bit jaded and worn out. The year prior I had taken a fantastic Fall Color tour from Florida to New England and was not all that concerned to be sure I saw Fall this year. I'm glad God and Life happen in spite of me!

As I write now, I am sitting in my semi in South Florida ready to begin a new work series. The winds are sultry and tossing the green trees with playful abandon. I treated myself to a couple nights in a hotel on the Atlantic ocean. Enjoying the sun, the warm clear ocean waters, the shifting sands and the chilly nights, I had a lot of time to think, pray, sing, and just relax all the kinks in my mind, body, and spirit.

My Process was illustrated by the ocean's waves.  The rinsing inward, over the sands and curves of the earth seemed to be washing me of the remnants of gloomy dismay or cloudy anxiety that I held on to. The constant return of the seawater to the depths, carried bits of the shore with it, leaving it scrubbed fresh, new, and exciting.  I know poets and artists capture this all the time. I am very grateful I slowed everything about my hectic, frenetic pace to allow God to reassure me He reigns.

There is MUCH to be grateful for in my life! Family is beginning to reunite and to reach out to each other. Finances are moving along. Health is in God's hands. And I am eagerly writing my to-do list for my Israel trip in late November. Upon return, I have new and unexpected job and career opportunities offering themselves to me. I didn't seek them, instead I was "stuck".  I finally gave up demanding to know every itty bitty next move, and BAM!!  I get a phone call that shocks my world!

The winds that blew while I was on the ocean in the nights are the ones I loved the most recently! The day blew out, the chill and stars blew in. No bugs or tourists lingered. Only the fresh smells of healing and ocean and rest.  I like that, leaning into the wind, and picking up my feet, opening my wings and taking flight to Who Knows Where.

Ready to soar!
Jan M. Olsen

Friday, September 14, 2012


It's that time of year where transition is expected.  In the case of Autumn colors, it may be welcome to signal the end of summer's heat. If you don't like to shovel snow, perhaps you are musing again about the Florida or other southern getaways?

I've become aware over the recent years how simple Change is to me. It is always Present, always flowing, and it's up to me to master my responses. As a person, I've come a long ways. I've had a tuck and roll approach to much of Life and that serves me well. It's time for Change again.

The cliches wander around my head. "Why make someone a priority in your life, when you are only and option in theirs?" "What am I holding onto that is no longer serving me?" Is it an address? A person? A job? An ideal?

The above list is where I am today.  Where do I want to live? Why? How much do I want to invest there? How long? How much is TOO much to take? What can I live with and accept as reasonable? What is my value, my worth? What are my needs and my responsibilities?

Who? What? Where? Why? How much? How long? What next?

One of the perks of my job is not knowing very far in advance what direction I will travel next. I don't know how long I will stay in an area or where I will spin to when one task is done. In my early 40's, I am beginning to think more often about retirement and insurance needs for the hazy "future".  I am already wishing I had taken better care of my body all along, and wondering how far will it hold out?

The same job though, also ensures I have no roots. No place to go. No attachments. You can't just up and STOP driving or working, because there is no where to land when the momentum runs out.

Much of my energy is wasted on people, places, things that have no effect on my future. I used to ask myself "Will it matter in 20 years?" I find myself wondering if today was worth my interest in a person, in a place or in an item I can hold. 

I still have two storage units full of  things that point back to "when I had a family". From the handmade Christmas ornaments, to the trophies and school mementos, I have rooms full of STUFF and I have not seen it all in years, and the people that share those memories have not seen them in many years. Why do I keep paying to store the Past? I don't know. Simply, I don't know.

I've learned that in order to move on, to be fully present, to be open to what God has next, I must first clear my mind, heart, soul and inner spaces to make room for new.  Prayer, meditation, and sorting the daily, weekly, monthly, yearly chatter in my mind, memories, current events, etc is required. Since I live and work alone, I write alot. Dance. Sing. Reach out to others.

There are certain times where I know or learn something. I really have no one-size-fits all outlet. Back to prayer, meditation, and personal writings. Right now, I have a huge burden of a knowledge entrusted into my care, that I can not tell anyone.  I've been in that place several times in my life, and I remember how the silence can be damaging. The Process is painful. And the end result is just another chapter.

I feel like the bent reed. God says he will not break the bent reed, or put out the smoking flax.  I've come this year into questioning my faith, my values, my loyalties, my honor, and myself.  I come up wanting.

I welcome Autumn. As I drive, the views are paintings on God's pallet with hues and wonders I can not comprehend nor capture in mere pixels and words.

An admission? I do not welcome winter. Already beginning to dread the earthly annual season, its challenges and discomforts, I also see a spiritual winter just ahead. Two years ago, I went sky diving for fun. Letting go, and simply falling was the neatest, most trusting experience I have ever encountered. I get a part of that thrill and trust when I ride motorcycles, and when I SCUBA dive. My problem is trusting in me, others, and laws that be,,, and not trusting wholly in God. He created me. He knows my beginning, my end, and my current wishes, hopes, and dreams.

Longing to fall again.....

Jan M. Olsen

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Butterfly Chaser's Letter

Today was a turning point for me! 

Have you ever been drawn to follow a bird, a butterfly, or the sounds of the woods until you are IN the forest?  The noises and movement that attracted you becomes eerily still. 

Do you wait, stand still, and simply breathe in and out?

Perhaps you BECOME a part of the forest, and one by one, nature entrusts you with her glory and she begins moving, breathing, singing again in and around you.

Today, I entrusted a friend of mine with a letter that was long in coming.  I began to "write" and all of the recent anxieties that grip my heart and throat poured out in a rush!  I wrote in a safe place, to a safe friend.  This reminds me some of prayers to God.  In my case, my personal cross that I bear and submit daily is my driving reliance on SELF - self-motivation, self-determination, self-provision, and so on. 

People like to mention the good things they see in me such as the Light (of God), my bounce and joy (of God) and my strength,,,, ut oh, too often that strength is "of Jan".  I end up bearing way more of the burden of this crazy life than I was ever designed to do.

My health, sleep, attitude, and spiritual life is drained by this SELF problem.

Funny, I didn't really write about SELF to my friend. He already knows me, and knows my issues and inner struggles.  No, today, I released the angst that bound me in knots lately. I told him at the end of the letter that I KNEW the weight was lifted, the chokehold burst!  Grateful!

I feel like today was a failure or shortcoming, when measured by own critical SELF barometer. I am an agressive and determined person, and as a driver, that is an asset.  Yet, today, I allowed personal weakness to stop me short of the goal.  I will make the same money on this trip whether it posts this week or next.  Usually, I rely on mySELF and I push through any physical, mental, emotional or spiritual pain.

Not today.

Instead, I parked 150 miles early, making it a grossly negligent short day on my job.  I felt led to get out of the truck to walk a bit.

That's when I heard IT!  The Siren call of the katydids in the wooded rest area!  Drawn further into the shadows, the songs of home in Central Florida and my youth rose and surged like the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.  Only this time, it was God's Creation!   I stopped just in the path and took first one cleansing breath, then a second, then, closing my eyes, a third, and I BECAME a part of the chorus of breath and pure expression God offered.

I am seeing light ahead of me from a recent battle.  It has been detailed and threatened my loved ones and ways I know to move in Life with them.

As for the Butterfly Chaser in me?  I remember in Fall 2011, God gave me a gift of a paid, working trip from Florida, all up through New England during the peak of Autumn colors.  On I-77 as NC gave way to VA, Maurice and I were talking. This was early in our friendship.  I remember telling him "I chose to be very Present and very grateful for today and this trip. If you want to share my joy WITH me, then we can talk along my drive.  But if you have need to be negative or to pop my Happy Bubbles?  Then we need to hang up and catch later.....  we ended up talking later.

There is nothing wrong with either of our approach to a day or to Life.  Over our year, I have found we complement each other well and add texture to the facets that make us who we are. 

This is where I am in this very Present Moment.  Anyone can CHOOSE to get in my bubble and share the gratitude, love, and forgiveness I have towards Life and others,,,, or we can hang up for awhile and see if we reconnect along the way. 

You choose.

For now?  I am content at becoming ONE with God's creation and experiencing the fullness of his glory again.

Thank you for every prayer, every word, every thought, every shared moment. 

I am back.

I am LION, hear me ROAR!
~Janet M. Olsen

ps. as I closed this, another driver came up to me, inviting me to join him and his wife for prayer. PEOPLE- I am at a rest area in rural Tennessee! only GOD feeds the sparrows like that! Only GOD!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012


I am at a loss. This is the first time I have been able to write a new entry. Several reasons.  My laptop was infected by a virus, and had to be wiped clean- again.  I lost all my music, 1,000's of photos, paid for and created videos, and all of my written documents. Everything. It feels a bit like a fire or flood must feel.  True, I still have me. And my computer.  A fresh slate should cheer me.  Instead, I am being real here where I can, I just feel loss.

Recently, friends and family have had loved ones taken in death or threatened by injury or serious illness.  I am at a loss for words.  Comfort is so rote and common.  I do not understand God or his ways and seem to be swimming in confusion.  If the posting after a silence was supposed to be joy and happy fluff, then this is the wrong blog.

Right now, I am typing in a new format and homescreen.  WTH even my blog did away with my familiar controls and buttons. Nothing is familiar. Just the sense of having been here before. Isolated and drifting. Yes. I know this Lost place. It is painful, but here I am again.

In many ways, my job and finances are booming.  I do not have self-discipline, or a hard heart though.  My money goes out as fast as it comes in. From loans to friends to go unnoticed, to helping hands to family, to spontaneous gifts of "blessings" to others,,, I give and give and give.  Funny, for some reason in my pain, I am wondering why people are so willing to "take"?  Then I am angered at myself to realise that I alone have created this monster.  I enabled those I care about and gave freely. Until they just move on. Leaving me feeling used like a sour dishrag. Meanwhile, they do not know how to fish and sustain themselves.

It's awkward to admit.  The one place I learned to feel safety and shelter... is the one place I let them see "me". I let down my guard of being tough and happy go lucky, and like I had things figured out.  In a roar, my pain and built up REAL came through, and I am so ashamed.  It took being numbed by alcohol to let my hurt have a voice, and that was risky and hurts me deeply itself.  I was then ,,,,, well, I fear in my impaired state I was disrepectful or harmful? To the people I care about the most?  I am hurting to see the damage and it is seeming easier to just leave. Again.

I used to say - proudly- that I am tenacious and steadfast.  Yet, whether I am the one that physically packs my stuff and slips away into the night, or whether I wage a Custer's Last Stand and die being stubborn?  The result is the same. I left my right mind and I got left behind.  I feel the pain of this loss and self-realization. 

I am worth respect.  I was enough to begin with, or no one would give me a second moment.  When did "enough" turn into too little?

So, I work. The one thing I excel at is my job and being gritty, determined.  I do not have energy to eat. I sleep as though a dead person, but dream in vivid colors and sound. I still have just enough of God in me to keep me miserable and enough holy vision as to know my own end.  I feel helpless to snap out of it and choose one road or another. Instead, I turn, side to side, and feel loss of direction and peace.  I am at war with myself and just want to be free of the hell in my mind and heart.

Music and the written word either bounce off my numb exterior, or sear my tender, wounded soul. I can't even find refuge in the places I always trusted.

All of the above said, and not a thing revealed, solved, or assauged.  Hah, bitter chuckle, that sounds alot like prayer.  Endless futility and painful loss.

I hope to shake the UGH soon and at least return to a normal happy-go-lucky outward bounce.  Since this is the first time admitting some of my churning thoughts in awhile, then maybe I can ferret out some sense, law, and order to my chaos.

Until then, there is still an anvil on my chest, a rock in my gut, and heavy darkness in my spirit. I am lost.

The Other Side of the sunny girl everyone sees,

Jan M. Olsen

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Got To Tell Somebody

There's an older song by a folk/ gospel singer named Don Fransisco called "Got To Tell Somebody". It's the father's account of Jesus raising Jairus' daughter from the dead.  God says not to speak a word of how she was saved....

......(whisper) Got to tell somebody..... to tell somebody....
......(crescendo) got to tell SOMEBODY....
..... got to TELL SOMEBODY...... TO TELL SOMEBODY.....


A friend very special to me has had an amazing week.  From distractions to downright discouraging moments, to bittersweet relief to his determined act of self-surrender... to the turn around to the avalanche of blessings.... this man and his Journey has inspired me!  Watching him as he experiences God's blessings and provision and miracles has made me tender and overwhelmed again by that First Love of the newborn in God.

I taught him reflections and mirrors... he taught me that we can willfully affect our radiance and make a change for the better, the positive, and the hopeful.

To honor my friend, I had to tell somebody.  I am yelling from inside of me in Joy and process and in tenderized awe all over again.  I celebrate his transformation with him. 

I am renewed and caused to hunger again enjoying his  miraculous gifts.

I simply had to tell somebody!

Jan M. Olsen

Friday, March 9, 2012

Change Taking Place

As I thought of the title to this entry, I was singing the song "Changes" by the 1980's group, YES and their "90125" album.

Change is abounding.  Whether it's the shift to Daylight Savings time this weekend, or Spring, new relationships, or clearing the way for new to enter a life?  Changes come in as inexorably as the tides upon the seashore. Like a wave, it brings in new treasures and takes out a piece of the beach as it rolls away.

Life is like that.  You spend a season or chapter of your life, and as time moves on, so do you.

Today in particular held such wide swings of highs and lows, celebrations and regrets, letting go and holding on.  I am left feeling wearily grateful overall. I am sad for the parts I should have done different or better as a person, but I am happy inside for shifts that came after years of prayer and seeking.  Change taking places.

I've cried several times today  and in the past few weeks.  A few times it was relief and joy.  A couple of times it was anger and frustration.  And sometimes, it was feeling hurt or let down by people I have near my life.  I don't want to close back up like a turtle, but, it is tempting.

I wrote for a full 90 minutes this morning shouting to the heavens in joy and excitement.... and I cannot let anything dim the truths from that.  The rest are just distractions and not where I am supposed to focus my attention.

If I remain true to my goals, passions, personal belief systems, I will add optimism and joy to my life.  I will weed out negativity, unbelief, and disregard,  This means it's time to cull my contacts again.  Changes.

Goals met and new ones formed for my job, family, health, spiritual pursuits, and interactions with the world around me.  I've had a great quarter in my job as a Commercial Truck Driver. I met a goal I set on March 23, 2001 just this past week on February 28th.  I have now been into all 48 Continental USA and Canada with my semi truck, The last two states were the Dakotas. Brrrrr in February, big grin.

My personal life of friends, family, loved ones, priorities, God, Country?  I am still trying.  I have a lot of shortcomings. But I want to improve.  I want to let my light shine and let go, let God.  Same old refrain, new day, new mercies.  Changes.

New friends, old friends.  Seasons, reasons.  Footprints and fellow travellers.  It's been a year of dynamic Changes.

I am scared of the near future.  A sign that I should push on.  If I were to remain rooted in the past or inside the box?  I would not be me.  I would be static.   This is not a true sign of the inner me.

The way I will end tonight, after this blog, is to pray, meditate, and probably cry again as I get in the bunk. Some highs and lows. Some happy, some mad, some sad, some disappointments.  All of it small in the 20 year rule.  Changes.

Looking ahead with anticipation,
Jan M. Olsen

I'm moving through some changes
I'll never be the same
Something you did touched me
There's no one else to blame

The love we had has fallen
The love we used to share
We've given up pretending
As if you didn't care

Change changing places
Root yourself to the ground
Capitalize on this good fortune
One word can bring you round

I look into the mirror
I see no happiness
All the warmth I gave you
Has turned to emptiness
The love we had has fallen
The love we used to share
You've left me here believing
In love that wasn't there

Change changing places
Root yourself to the ground
Word to the wise - Well you get what's coming
One word can bring you round

When I look into your eyes and try to find out how
There's no way to save it now
And everything I feel
Keep looking for

For some reason you're questioning why
I always believe it gets better
One difference between you and I
Your heart is inside your head One word from you
One word from me
A clear design on your liberty
Who could believe when love has gone
How we move on like everyone

Only such fools
Only such jealous hearts

Only through love changes come

Change changing places
Root yourself to the ground
Capitalize on this good fortune
One word can bring you round

One road to loneliness
It's always the same
One road to happiness
It's calling your name

Change changing places - Changes
Root yourself to the ground
Capitalize on this good fortune
One word can bring you round

Change changing places
Root yourself to the ground
Word to the wise - Well you get what's coming
One word - One word can bring you round

Sunday, February 19, 2012

This Must Be My Writing Space

I had a great laugh out loud just now.  I had packed my duffle bag with dress and playtime clothes anticipating  the next 2 days off duty from my semi truck.  I am backed into a dock in one of the tightest receivers we frequent. I had sent texts to a handful of people to touch base to remind them I have not forgotten them or their faithful patience. I had conditioned and combed through my unruly, truck driver's bed head.   And then I plopped into the driver's seat.  I refreshed my web browser and had a WAVE of GRATITUDE come over me.  

It seems this location is prime Writing Space?  Once when I was here on December 29, 2010 a torrent of words fought to get typed in a coherent form and I spewed all of the "IT" that had been holding me bondage to dis-ease, unforgiveness, pain of heart and of body!  I wrote over 12 pages on a PDF and when I was wearily trying to find a cute ending?  I was so darned relieved to be free of the poison of "IT" that had sat so deep in my soul and gut all of my entire life!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I was speechless :)

Quick to recognize that GRATIUDE feeling, I had an urge to write again.  A follow-up of GRATITUDE for the recent battles. As quick as I could, I cued up this blog, and the USUAL happened here again.  Just as I crack my knuckles and sharpen my pencil to write? The receiver comes out to say I am done and I am free to leave.


See, this is a perfect example of things not being as hard or bad as they seem.  I dread this receiver for all the logistical hoops it takes just to get to the dock door.  It's to the point I will beg for a different load when I see this one pop up.  But once I just do it, and set the brake, backed up to the dock door? I always have the most beautiful of clarity and clear space rush through me.

It's like when you are practising yoga and in a sublime Kundalini experience, your Chakras all align suddenly. After the initial pop, and rush of clear fluid and slightly nauseating WHOOSH from utter dismay to peace?  Well, the room, the space around you, and the people you share the energy with all uniquely BREATHE in PEACE, HARMONY, and JOY.

Or in a prayer service, when you KNOW each of you have God in you, and you assemble together, that MOMENT when God's Shekinah glory just covers and infuses everyone present as you come into a place of "one mind, one accord" and God is free to move from among the stuff and shadows we humans carry like sacks of burdens.    You can smell His aroma, feel the warmth, see His light, and peace and Knowing floods your soul.

THAT is what I get when the inspiration to write settles on me like a mantle at this "writing space" in Pompano Beach.....

Now, I am ready to move on, and did not yet write the GRATITUDE stuff after all.  Big grin!  I am already feeling the let down of tension and the release of having said "IT" because I took time to BE Gratitude, to FEEL Gratitude, and to ALLOW Gratitude.

This time, I talked to Alisha by text message and to my special friend who is many, many miles and time zones away.  And they let me tell of my Grateful Mood,, and they both had sincere  FLOODS of clarity, inspiration, and Gratitude also.  I am smiling as  we built a triad of East coast, Heartland states of Indianna, and of the Rocky Mountain.... three hours on the clock,  three heartbeats, ONE MESSAGE!  Hopeful GRATITUDE!!!

From my last blog questioning WHY of God, to today, so many GOOD shifts for so many I am intimately involved with.   Nanci is rocking the state of Florida's education System. Angel and Aaron spent a precious surprise weekday visit with me. Angel got great news from the doctor regarding her knee injury and a new plan of action.  My special friend has had hope and inspiration breathed into his situations. Alisha has gotten moved into her new apartment, is safe, and is establishing a routine and consistent experience of SUCCESSFUL moments in her new life as a single mom and warrior. 

When I was down, I surrounded myself with people I trusted to have my back. They had empathy, compassion, and a ready hand or ear to hear.  We covered the 24 hour clock by exhorting one another to hang in there, try this, hold on!!! 

And the new week is smoothing out to a tolerable rumble.

Now that I am on the swing of emerging from that down funk and period of self-doubt, once again, God provides me with the miraculous by sending my special friends, family and loved ones to parade their joys and triumphs as well.

I am just so GRATEFUL!

For now, I have a 3 star, luxury hotel that I paid less than 40% of the normal rate to enjoy beckoning me. I missed church this morning, but I have the opportunity to enjoy God's creation now, and freshen up in time for service with POCC tonight.

My semi is parked, bags packed, heart and mind renewed and I am inspired again.

Writing and listening to my Inspirationators.

Jan M. Olsen


II John v. 12

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Gaze Into The Face Of God

          Recently I had a bittersweet visit with my daughter and two grandboys in Colorado.  Now, the family time, bonding, sharing was essential and beautiful.  It was an intervention visit though, and gives me mixed feelings.  Somewhere along this path, I have lost my words to write or express my personal reality.  This is a non-tangible injustice, and THIS I can focus my angst and frustrations upon with a vengeance.  I can be mad at myself and my frailties as a human, and give generously of  love, forgiveness and more love to those outside.  Right off the bat, I am not able to find much for which to be “grateful” in any way more meaningful than a surface platitude. This is so out of character for me, that this pain alone is stealing my joy and breath at times.

          At this moment I question “Why?!” in a most angry, and wounded way. It does not help to know that I join everyone along the way at some point. I try to convince myself that my questions are honest conversations between God and myself, and not representations of doubt or unbelief in my sovereign, just God.  Then again, what is my Truth right now?

          Anger is such a bitter root. It is so uncharacteristic of me to be angry more than a five minute temper.  Then to live in a space of anger and anxiety is sapping me, when truly, I am “needed” more now than ever.  At risk of “FAILING” to be of use to God, self, or others, I am in a pain and fire in my heart, soul, and spirit. At odds with myself, I am consumed with just getting by, no longer able to even visualize the bright future or the cloud of rain the size of a man’s hand.

I hurt.

          How dumb for me to hurt. How insensitive and arrogant.  This is crippling to me when others look to me to be the bringer of light or positive to a dark situation.  When does righteous anger and indignation turn to vindictive rant or vigilante justice? It is not up to me to judge a man or situation, merely to champion what is right, good, and pleasing to God.  I do not look good to myself toting a pitchfork and lantern of a witch hunt. Instead, I hurt inside for ALL involved.

          My tears are bitter and feel like fire. I cry them alone, in my most secret place. To share them would be to hinder, not to help another. Why would I be a stumbling block, instead of a hand to help raise someone to the Light? This goes against my every calling or hope in this life.

          There is an older, gentle song by a group named 4HIM titled simply “Why”.  Here are a few of the words to this ballad:

They say that into every life Some rain must fall
For the pain is no respector Of the mighty or the small
But sometimes It just seems so Unfair
To see the One who’s had More than His share
Oh it makes you wonder why…

And Lord,  I wouldn’t second guess Your mighty plan
For I know You have a purpose That’s beyond the scope of man
If You look inside my heart You will find
That I have always been The Trusting kind
Oh but still I wonder

Do the rainy days have to come
When the storm clouds hide the sun
I wanna know why
When the reasons aren’t clear to me
When it all is a mystery
I want to know why
And though down here
I may not understand
I won’t let go
Of the Unseen hand
For It holds the reasons why

The Lord has never been afraid Of honest prayers
And He won’t allow the burden To be more than you can bear
When He knows that you’re trust Is in Him
He doesn’t mind the questionsNow and then
Even if you wonder….


            So, in a secret shame, I admit now to wondering “WHY”.  Why did mankind imbibe the Original sin, that cast the seeds onto us all? Why do murderers, rapists, abusers or thieves exist, much less go free to TAKE from another? Why does sickness such as cancer or dementia run rampant? Why death? Why harm to others?  Why the innocent, God? Huh? Why?!

          I KNOW it is not up to me to question God, or to judge. Overall, my personality is of a lover, not a fighter. Of peace, not of dissention. Of hope, not of despair. Circumstances lately have me weary and asking honest questions of WHY.

          In a vulnerable moment, I will admit here that I have physical pain regularly that is unexplained and unchecked by modern medicine.  I have been the victim of abuse, and know many others also.  I live alone, partly by choice, partly because I do not see any other way.  This latest attack of WHY, though, stems from ordeals my two daughters are experiencing RIGHT NOW. Their privacy is tantamount. This blog is not about revealing their circumstances. I am merely Processing my own feeling, beliefs, and pain regarding the WHYs in Life.

          Blessed to spend ten days with my daughter and two grandsons, I had a very poignant moment.  The older boy, Jeremiah is almost 2 years old. He is precocious and smart. He does things calculated to get attention, be it negative or positive.  He is old enough to premeditate to a degree, to be sneaky, to tempt our good sense of humor.  Yet, he has been holding pure expression inward. So young. This is sad to me. When he became comfortable, and relaxed to being in a loving, caring, nurturing, SAFE environment, he became a babbling brook. He snuggles, he is generous, he is selfish as only a two year old can be , he is lively and amuzing.


          But it was a particular photograph I took of the younger boy, Terran that rocked me to my core.  I “verbalized” my inner thoughts briefly, and have been vexxed by them ever since.  Terran is almost 7 months old. Very slight of build, the pure skin and breath of the innocent child that merely cries when he is hungry, wet, scared or hurt. 

Terran does not (yet) seem to know how to manipulate to get his “way”.  He lives to smile, chew, sleep, and reach out to touch you.  It was in a moment captured on digital image, that I saw the face of God…. I saw the potential mankind has. And I realized, that this is one of the last moments of his innocence.  Soon, he will adapt and surround himself with survival and vie for  position in our world of “ME FIRST”.  That may perhaps be the last gentle image… before he becomes like every other person.

It’s likely that Life will toughen him up. This realization made me sad inside my core being.  Oh how I long for Life and God to generously allow us to retain our innocence, our gentleness, and our simple joy in the simple pleasures of touch, love, sustenance and light. Little Terran looked up at me with such awe, such love, such trust…. And does not know my feet of clay and how in some way, big or small, I will fail him along the way.

Funny how Life’s stressors can prompt reunions, reconnections, even reconciliations. I felt a need to reach out to assemble prayer warriors, strong arm champions, and a wide range of people to complement each other to bring a balance of perspective, talents, resources into my recent “crisis”.  Maybe the world did not need more marshmellows in the Justice department like me. Maybe it needs less of the bitter and the fervent retalitory soldiers of self-named Right and Wrong.  Prayer and a return to the Basics seemed to be in order. And reminding first myself, then Others to practice Love- Gratitude- Forgiveness even when faced by a night so black it hurts.

In this moment, a few people asked me questions I found to be odd. They asked how I am holding up, how I am taking things, how and I doing?  My answer is swift and sure, and I mean it with all of my heart. I have FAITH in GOD to be just, and real, and soveriegn.

But inside, when the babies are fed, clean, snuggled and loved into bed….. and when my girl collapses exhausted in a heap on the bare carpet, with her shoes still on,,,, or when she breaks and pours the tears that are such a proven vital part of the Process…..  I am angry, I am hurting, I am asking WHY,Dammit, WHY!!!

This makes me cry to admit it in print. Can you only imagine the angst it causes me as I stand humbled and broken before God?  The choking and drowning sensations of not knowing what do I REALLY believe in after all?

I want to have the Right Answers. I want to be of great help and service. I want justice to prevail, in God’s complete understanding of the FINAL, ETERNAL outcomes.

I just want release and respite.  I know I am not alone, when the hard times come. People go through mountains and valleys all the time.  Like I told my daughter in a conversation about my divorce over a decade ago, “It did not help me to hear “I know how you feel. I’ve been there”. I did not want ANYONE to feel the pain I feel.  I am also not alone because friends, family and loved ones rally in all the ways unique to people with finances, suggestions, prayers, advice…. Talking to a second cousin on the phone who is close in age to my own children drove this point home. We are truly all connected. Not one of us is alone.  We are all valid and unique. We respond and offer ourselves in myriads of ways, often depending upon the stage of the Process we are in.

What am I blessed or grateful for in this recent “trial”?  That my daughter and I reuinited in October 2010 and the groundwork was laid ahead of time for our joining forces to overcome adversity now.  I am grateful nothing is as bad as it seems or as it could be. I am blessed to know spiritually that God is at work on very INDIVIDUAL basis and he has a Plan and Purpose for EVERYTHING if we will let Him work and BE GOD. I am grateful for resources of time, money, presence and history to be available to be there by my daughter’s side at a very critical juncture of her life.

Each of us will stand at a crossroads of decision at some point in our life. How we cope, how we respond, how we trust in God is our own individual Journey of Faith, Hope, and Amazing Grace. For now, this evening after I have returned to work to face frustrations there and my sadness to leave my loved ones for another chapter, I am processing. I am not very gentle with myself. And OH GOD! I hurt inside with anger and indignation and I feel so inadequate and alone.

  I am mad at God, at certain people, and at my own shortcomings!  But I am going to bow down and give these honest feelings and questions of WHY to God. I will have every intention of placing myself fully on the altar and of surrendering me – the need to control.  The need to KNOW and the need that is inherent within me to FIX or HELP.  Those last few were never my gift to give – they are a God trait. Who knows, I may get peace soon.

God knows. He knows the reason WHY.

I am including a You Tube link to 4 Him and their song “Why”. Enjoy. If you feel led to pray for us  reach out to me or to someone God places on your heart, I humbly ask you to obey.  Be slow to anger, slow to judge, and quick to offer love, mercy, and a hand to connect someone to God.

((In my own stubborn desire to yell YOP and be heard? I am not going to scroll up to edit or proofread this blog.  My thoughts are mine for this space in Time. The grammar can be overlooked, if you know that I have the best at my core being.))

Jan M. Olsen

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Stop Settling

This is the first blog entry  of 2012. Funny, I did not settle with myself what 2011  brought out. And so far, I have not made time to STOP!  Breathe!  Set Intentions for 2012.  Take right now. I am in a limbo. My body clock is set for Eastern time zone, and there where my loved ones are sleeping, it is already Tuesday, January 10, 2012.  But my cell phone, company data, and current surroundings say it is still Monday for another 38 minutes.  What a weird juxtaposition. 

I find each time I have wanted to set down to write this letter, to have cliches running through my head. I do not feel like I have anything new to say about my life or my future.  There is a part of me that yearns to break forth with inspiration. There is a part of me that feels like I am slipping through the cracks, and in danger of fading away, unloved or disregarded. And there is a tired part of me that gets back up AGAIN and yells "YOP!" only to hear the echo in the tunnel.

  To Process this anxiety of disappearing, I have decided what the hell?  Write the cliches down as they come to me. So what if they are not new? They are Present for a reason. Give them voice, and hear what the Wisdom of those before me have to say!

The next bit may come out odd. It does NOT have any one person's name on it. Other than that disclaimer? Well, one of the benefits of writing in the darkness of my truck, is that I can get "IT" out without being interrupted or cut off.  I can hear recent voices that cause me to doubt my worth or value,  break into my thoughts all I want, but they are not here, right in this very moment.  So if you got it, you got it, you got it? (a phrase I regret to say I have learned lately). Then stop reading.

A) Don't make someone a priority in your life, when you are only an option in theirs.

 HAH!  I decided to Google this and here is a quote I found using this phrase:

                     "This is one of my favorite quotes. Take a good look at the people in your life…family, friends, co-workers, significant others, etc. Stop making excuses for poor behavior, don’t accept less than what you deserve, and weed out the ones who only care about their own needs being met. As my friend Patricia says, “A relationship should complement, not complicate.” What a difference it makes when you’re surrounded by only those who bring out the best in you. How sad that I am now all alone…"

Whoever "they" are have been known to say "if you look long enough, you can find at least one person to agree with you. (good or bad)".  This is demonstrated here.  The whole phrase is terrible that it exists. But poignant in that it fits me right now.

B) Don't settle.

  When my girls were at home, it seems money was always tight. Even when it was a two parent household, the challenges were there, just different.  Certainly, once I was a single mom of two active, high-achieving high schoolers, I failed to provide hamburger meat for the Hamburger Helper.  We shopped at thrift sometimes. 

When we did save and come up with money to buy new?  I would tell the girls to get what they wanted, for instance, a new outfit, shoes, uniform.  I would say, "Don't settle. Go for the one you SEE in your heart."

Lately, in Life, I feel in my gut like I have settled. And it eats at me.  I work at a job I love, but that goes nowhere. I am tired, often sick in my body, and no "fix". I am weary in my soul, and I am so far depleted, that a quick dip, no longer refills me. I am left hungry for ALL.  I give and I give,,,, and I give of my heart, my time, my resources, my optimism and it just gets taken, taken, taken.... and I am the one left wrung out and hurting.  Stop settling.

C)  "You push me away a little more every day. Soon, I will be gone, and you will not even have to say goodbye."

  I gave in to pressures of voice, of Life, of work, of Indecision and somehow, I have strayed from nurturing those that DO love me, those that DO have concern for me, those that DO stand the test of time, for better or for worse.  One instance that comes to mind, is I followed a suggestion that rubbed me wrong from the second I heard it, but I did it anyway.  And in the beginning, it seemed to work.  As time has gone by?  I see that I was the clown, and the only one left holding the  fake, plastic flower was me.

What do I mean?  It is my personal way of being ME, but I make those I care about my priority.  I put "me" aside, to be sure their needs (and wants) are met first, me last.   When a person I care about takes time from their day to call, email, text, or reach out, I see it as a GIFT they have chosen to give to ME.

Two things here - 1) that courtesy is not often returned, So I guess the Golden Rule is a pretty ball of fluff?  and 2)  when I took the suggestion and stopped being available on a whim?  Well, guess what?  All that happened was ______________.

Silence. I now have LESS THAN the little bit I had when I began this little experiment. Now I have to see if it is too late to make amends (with my daughters) and if they will "work me in" again?  At least I had SOMETHING, which is more than the NOTHING I have now.

It was easy for others to say goodbye.  I seem to hold on too long. I am the fool here.

D) "What am I holding onto that is no longer serving me?"


It hit me over and over and OVER again like a punch between the eyes!  I very greatly appreciated the check up in meditations and prayers!

Using this phrase, I culled my contact list. If someone was not motivating, loving, inspiring, nurturing or encouraging me?  I took them off my  contacts list. And if I was not offering the same to them? I also took them out of my personal address books.

It was liberating to surround myself with positive people that only had my GOOD at their heart and purpose!  I grew SO MUCH in 2010 and 2011.

Along the way, I am finding I have negative people, people that hurt me, or make me feel "less than" on my list now. And I just want that to improve. I don't want the ugly separation process again. For some reason, it is more personal this time.  I find myself holding on after all, waiting for Time and Process and Improvement.  Only to realise?  I am standing alone.

Know what I wish I had?  More prayer WARRIORS.  Less judgements.  Less conditions "I'll only keep you around if you do X".  Less restrictions on the natural high that flows from so deep within my soul like a bubbling stream!!!  I want to be free to love, to like, to BE who I am... which is always ,,, when I return to the REAL ME?  I am light, I am love, I am hope, I am faith, I am joyfull and I BELIEVE!!!

My desire for 2012 and any future going forth, is  new and current people to be the recipients of my natural light and love,,, and to receive from them the same infusion into my banks.

What am I holding onto that is no longer serving me?  It is not just a person (s), it is things (as in my storage shed), it is traditions, it is the ill health, and the dis-ease in my spirit. 

E) It's a long way up, when you're coming from Nowhere.

Just think, as long as I have breath within me?  My optimism, my hope, my natural LIGHT looks UP and I see POSSIBILITIES and POTENTIAL in people, situations, and LIFE.   

Just keep going,,, just keep going..... just keep going. 

F) Just breathe.

'Nuff said.


My intentions and desires for the near future, may  not be a list or clear to anyone. I do know, I want to love... and be loved.  I want to give.... and to receive.   I want to encourage...... and be encouraged. These traits are essential to me and my glow that catches stranger's eye on contact. What do I have that shines so brilliant from within? LOVE. It's not rocket science. It is plain me.

I don't want to just stuff my light and happy self down to just get by or get along.  I want to bring my light OUT to play again, and I want to surround myself with those who want to join me, not crush me.

I'm not dumb, less than... I'm not bitter.  And I am not sick.  I have MUCH to be thankful for and I CHOOSE to CHAMPION what is GOOD, RIGHT, and of WORTH.

I want to be my wild, intrinsically passionate ME... which is happy, positive, upbeat, and an overcomer!

I want to LOVE- all.  Foremost, LOVE GOD!   LIFE!  My friends and family.  My church. My job. My opportunities. My blessings. My lessons.

My Intention, then, is to STOP SETTLING, and start LOVING, LIVING, BEING the glorious gifted person God ordained me to be.

Of whom much is given, much is required----  I have an excess... and it is time to let my ROAR out and reach to those around me and to LIVE!

Love. Gratitude. Forgiveness.  For me, and for others.  End of story. No options. Not multiple choice... just DO IT!

Letting go, letting in, letting out,
Jan M. Olsen