
I shall be at peace when the lion within can lie down with the lamb.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What A Song!
Five Finger Death Punch-"Far From Home"

Great song in a great album, enjoy. [Lyrics] Verse 1 Another day in this carnival of souls Another nights ends, end as quickly as it goes The memories are shadows; ink on the page And i can't seem to find my way home Chorus And it's almost like Your heaven's trying everything You.......

Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them. Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891 Irish dramatist, novelist, & poet (1854 - 1900

Moved a weight around in my chest. It's still there. It just shifted. Not sure what to do or where to go next.
Was COMPLETELY blindsided. And OH!! I hate being snuck up on!!!

Wow,,, go to sleep now? Riiiiight.
The episode of my favorite TV show that I watched, tonight it wasn't about the murders this time. It was about the family of the killer.
In the end, an adult woman whose father was a serial killer  when she was in elementary school,  asked what was wrong with her that she couldn't hate her father?

This hit me soooo hard!  I ask myself ALL THE TIME
 "HOW can you forgive your dad?"

"WHY can't you forgive your mother?"

Both haunt me.  I can forgive so much,, and I do try,, to forgive her, even thought she is freaking clueless and still turns her back to me.  The correct order of roles was reversed somehow?  I had to protect HER??!!  WTH!

I want peace,, especially before she goes,, but she doesn't know,, or care,,, that I have ought with her.

Once, when I was in junior high I asked her, what would she do if she knew Dad was doing something to Michael or me? Her response was swift, full of venom and distorted her features- "I WOULD KILL HIM!"

Well, alrighty then, *itch!!! YOU  chose to never be around!! YOU chose to drop me off!  YOU chose to not SEE me!!  YOU chose to not take care of things.... and YOU want to kill HIM!??!  Like Heck! 

So,,, i kept my silence...
In the TV episode tonight??? The daddy kills the mom.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Musing In A Year-End Kind Of Way

Well, I have alot on my mind. One of those shot gun blast kind of ramblings. Maybe this is normal at the end of one year, beginning of the next? 

Looking back, celebrating victories and discoveries, lamenting losses and failures, forgiving myself and others and seeking their forgiveness of me.  Sometimes a sigh of regret of goals not met, fears not faced, hurdles not conquered. Other times, a spontaneous WHOOP of laughter or exultation for following through and championing the Impossible dream.

Of course, looking ahead. Always, daily, grateful I can close a day, breathe deeply, release fully and giving the day into hands and ways much more powerful than my own. New resolutions are not an annual occurrence for me. They are a continuous pruning, hewning, and shaping of myself and my shifting, honing goals for myself. I choose to grow and learn and make mistakes and explore. I HAVE to stay moving, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually to remain dynamic, vibrant and ALIVE!!

Yes, a new year is a marker of new slates, goals, plans, and expectations. I just don't make it my only outlet.  In many ways, I live RIGHT NOW. Very spontaneous and always up for fun or new things.  My goals do not frighten me when they are broken into smaller, bite size pieces.  It's far more productive for me to SUCCEED several small times towards a bigger picture, than it is for me to get lost in the details and swamped my momentary setbacks. Rolling with the flow, so I don't disappoint myself and end up stopping, lost as to where to go from here.

I will concede that 2010 was MONUMENTAL and PIVOTAL in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I became aware of people in new and outstanding ways. I met some for the first time ever, reconnected with others, and deepened my walk with even more people.  I've pushed back on the NUMBER of contacts and selectively surrounded my thought life, communications, and conversations with people that encourage me, nurture me, challenge me, inspire me, and support my life as it is this very second and what it is becoming in the near future. Also, carefully chosen and nurtured my support-network of motivators, advisers, and checkpoints.

Furthermore, I have widened myself to reaching others.  I think I am beginning to hear words such as "aura".  I dunno about all of that, but I am becoming more in tune with the spiritual world, specifically, The Spirit of God.  He leads me to friends and to strangers and directs my words, thoughts, actions. God has invested much in me by way of Life Experiences and is now calling them to action to assist others. He pours blessings of finances, knowledge, revelations, health, and sensitivity into me and I channel it back out as fast as I can to the lost, the wounded, the lonely, the hurting, the drifting peoples of the world around me.

2010 saw me reach an exhaustion  point in my own life. I had to call a halt and take months off to heal in all ways. I had to stop all activities and wait on God to redirect my life.  Much as a toy or model train set races in circles, chasing its tail, it occasionally jumps the track and lays on its side, wheels still spinning, stack still smoking. It takes a reset. A Conductor to lift it right again and realign its wheels on the tracks at a specified junction.  Same concept. I had to sleep until my body and God healed much of myself.  Then as I began to stir and stretch gingerly to see what needs attention right now, God moved obstacles and opened doors.

Then from about September to Present, I have been completely awakened to new and bigger offerings of the spiritual world.  A combination of inputs from unexpected sources, I am zipping through a new learning curve like the cart on the Space Mountain roller coaster.  Like the ride at Disney, I am THRILLED to be here and am seeking the opportunities to to put myself in places and paths to learn, grow, mature, explore, and heal.

If God moves His sovereign hand tonight? I will not reject healing or enlightenment. If he offers me 2011 and sends me to continue my quest for knowledge, revelation, understanding and service? Then He will give me grace and ability to go through each lesson.

I am excited to see what is already within me, patiently awaiting my discovery and release of self-imposed bondage.  I am trembling with excitement to see where the new ways and ideas will take me next.

Eager to serve others and God more fully and with greater compassion, gifts, and bounty.  I KNOW HE HAS GREATNESS IN STORE!

Ready to close this letter, wind down, meditate (ahhh,, the BEST gifts of 2010 was to find my BREATH and MEDITATION) and fall asleep knowing I have done my best today, I hold no ill, and I am thankful for everything.  I've researched and previewed the details to my last gift to me of 2010- - -   Conquering the wind.

Invigorated by the Journey,
Jan M. Olsen

Monday, December 27, 2010

Oceans of Inspiration

After an OVER THE TOP blessed Christmas, I am back in SoFL on Dania Beach at the pier.  It's a chilly 52 degrees and windy.  Not another soul to be seen.  I had to layer up to enjoy it,, but Vitamin D is still abundant!  Chapstick and lotion are my friend :)

Today is a WRITING DAY... I have been buzzing,,, THROBBING with inspiration for the last couple of days and today, I came here to pour my heart and soul out into words. Perhaps, I will be able to share some of it, although some if it will be between me and Almighty God.

I will share right now, even before I "process" and tabulate all my recent revelations, self-discoveries and  gratitude laden blessings, that I have begun healing.  Some of you know my serious medical needs.  And yes, I mean that healing has begun. 

I'm sure those same people are also aware of the critical needs of my soul and emotions and spiritual man.  Be encouraged!!  I have had portals opened and great floods of Change and Direction POURED into me , like this ocean roaring to my right!

So stay tuned in.  My prayers are for clarity, humility, and grace for myself. For you, I pray peace, health, prosperity, wisdom, and contented joy.

All my love ,,, yes,, the L-word,,, I have so much lathered into me,, it is coming out :)

Ahhhh,, humor, joy and the Dance!

Inspired and writing,
Jan M. Olsen

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


ok, I got bored. Actually, I had a "bad" experience at dinner.  A long work day. Not feeling the greatest.  Caved in to taking a work assignment for Thursday that everything in my gut is screaming NOOOOOO about.

Concerned for being alone entirely over the holiday.

waaah waaah waaah....

then as I experiemented with "CHANGES" to the blog set up?? I somehow lost the old tried and true template.  This one is too dark, hard to read.

Before I throw the laptop out the window?? Since it didnt' do anything wrong? LOL.. I am taking my grumpy goat self to bed.  And will FIX the blog later.

Maybe not before Christmas though.  If all goes well?? I will be tuning out Friday-Monday.

Bahhumbug :)

No, really, got plans to be out on my boat in the Winter Haven Chain of Lakes.  Prolly do the really lame single person trick of going to the movies the night of the 25th.

Got my wine corkscrew in my travel bag!!! 

See ya on the other side!
Jan M. Olsen

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

To Coin A Phrase

Found this today in my old MySpace blog......  wow!!! THREE YEARS AGO!

I am remaining true to myself,,,, wow!!
Dec 11, 2007

To Coin A Phrase

Current mood:blessed

The epic ....

What's in a word?

Cute phrases we pick up? One word missiles? Or one word of a healing nature? Nurture?

A lot of what I type next has a melancholy feel. Yet, that is not my current state of mind. Some of it is sent by way of an explanation, but then again a life well-lived warrants none. I jotted down bullets of ideas as I drove down the interstate in the New England states on Thanksgiving Day. Today, I do not feel the same echo of silence around me. But I wrote at a time when I felt isolated and a touch sorry for myself. There are some nuggets of truth though, and that is what I decided to share today.

"To Coin a Phrase"

11/22/07, Thanksgiving Day

            I have decided that Brer Rabbit was a wily one.  I am new to driving big rigs this year and feel very intimidated by the inherent dangers of driving on snow and ice.  Angel pointed out to me that this is not a foreign feeling for me this year.  I had to work hard throughout the process of getting my CDL to maintain my cool and my Can Do-attitude.  I was still sore from my bike wreck when it came to climbing in and out of the cab of the trucks.  Also learning to double shift and maneuver 10 gears every time a truck moved was taxing on injured bones and muscles.  I had bad habits to unlearn and new movements to memorize. A time or two I wondered aloud if I was making a mistake.  But, my grit prevailed and I determined to work it out. 

            The rewards were instantaneous.  I am driving for a company that is serious about training and the safety of its drivers through decent equipment and education.  Right away, just by flying Delta out of Orlando I saw new places, people, and things.  And OH! The adventures to date!  Of course, I can not photograph everything.  But I see wonders of nature and landscape that blow me away.

            To be honest, I am a bit homesick. Lonely perhaps. Nostalgic here on Thanksgiving. It's  not like I have many traditions left after my divorce and now empty nest.  I would be just as "alone" in my house and it would be as silent and void.  Each way has options such as more work to fill the hours.  Reaching out to those in need.  Making friends with the stillness and seeking the peace of the quiet.

            I did not cook huge meals even when at home. We all have strengths and that is not one of mine J. But I did not celebrate Thanksgiving as a big several day dinner event since 2000 and my divorce.  I think maybe we did a big dinner a time or two with Lewis. When the girls were home, they were growing up. They had to split time between their dad and I. Eventually, they had boyfriends and thus other families to share time with. A lot like it was as a newly married couple with young children.  Ole and I often spent holidays on the road traveling to visit our parents etc.  So dinner at my place is not what I miss.  In the last years, post-Lewis, the girls and I adapted.  We made the most of each moment that presents itself. We'd get dressed up and for a few hours go to a nice resteraunt etc.

            I usually worked extra shifts so folks with young kids and families could be together.  As I noted, my girls haven't been home for this holiday for years. This would have happened eventually anyway, but I admit it surprised me a year or two early. Then again, by definition of empty nest, I never would have been "ready".  This is merely factual.  As I drive this big rig today, I see motorists stranded on the side of the road and feel empathy for them.  That represents a loss of some kind.  They may be down to their last dime, and car repairs finish the devastation.  Not to mention, that connection and bond they were intending to fulfill with their loved one today.  I have a lot of blessings I know.  Think of the soldiers and other people of service.  There are the newly separated, divorced, widowed. And those sick or injured and their support network.  Many people unable to afford to celebrate and who may be struggling just to live day to day. For all that, I know my good report. That is why I wish to make it clear, I am not wallowing in self-pity. Merely reflecting.


            Here I find myself on Thanksgiving 2007 crossing the Hudson River and  the Tappan Zee bridge while a huge boat passes under me. Who'd a thunk this when I was a burned out night auditor scraping to get by? Florida has two seasons. Hot and Warm.  The north has two also. Winter and Construction.  This contributes to my mood today. I miss the South. The genteel and mellow ways that are absent in the hustle up north.  New England especially is a haughty breed and they cram the volume of Los Angeles into confining spaces, narrow roads and unfriendly exteriors.  The scenery though is amazing and is a redeeming factor.

            I have referred to myself as Florida Cracker.  Be sure, this is NOT a racial thing!!!   This is a frame of mind.  Carl Allen in Auburndale, Florida personified the Down Home of the South in his Cracker House resteraunt.  Here he reigns as king of bluegrasss.  And the memorabilia collected in that log cabin reflect a timelessness of simplicity.  Your food is served on sewing tables with real pedals still in evidence.  Your tea is served out of a mason jar and be confident, it is sweet and it is brewed, not instant out of a can. There the delicious catfish is served as it was meant to be with a side of grits brought to the table in a pan. The front porch going around the building has real wooden rockers not the cheap imitations sold at Cracker Barrel.  So if I align myself with the simple pleasures and laid back times you glimpse how I view my world.  It is a lot like the Biker Wave.  That phenomenon that when a biker, be it sports bike or cruiser, passes another, they salute with a lifted  hand  in greeting and acknowledgement.  A sense of brotherhood and camaraderie. This is absent up north and even when visitors travel to Florida for bikefests, the wave gets lost.   This contributes to the feeling of being a fish out of water.

            Remember the warmth and fun of Uncle Remus's tales on The Wonderful World of Disney? The foibles of the woodland creatures?  Like Brer Rabbit, I am learning to work the dispatch system of my company. "Please don't throw me in that briar patch. You can roast me, hang me, but please, whatever you do, don't throw me in that briar patch," he'd exclaim! And out of spite that's where he'd be flung. He'd shake off his bonds and LAFF! So here I am, in Texas having me a laffing spell. I crossed that beautiful corridor in Oregon of I-84 in the Columbia River Gorge 8 times in 4 days last month.  On the 8th  pass, I topped Cabbage Mountain eastbound to a winter wonderland. But to me, it was anything but wonderous, LOL! That extreme pure white snow and ice just freaked me out! It was visually sensational" but taxed my driving skills.  I begged to be brought to the south. Stevens did.  They sent me to Missouri.  As I breathed a sigh of relief? The next load sent me to where I am today steaming northward to a delivery in Assonet, Massachutesetts. From MA?  To Trenton, Ontario, CANADA via NEW YORK!

            Several people know from following me on my personal journey and self-explorations, I have had to work to conquer my spirit of fear.  I had to draw upon Gods Word.  Fear is not from God.  Neither is that feeling of isolation and frustration.  On my second trip into Canada I stopped in Michigan and bought myself a KJV Bible and new journal.  It was a change of mindset.  A conscious decision to stop complaining.  Quit giving into paralyzing fears of sliding and loss of control.  Angel chastised me.  She reminded me of my trepidations as I earned my CDL and also of how I was afraid to descend mountains loaded to 80,000 pounds, until one day I got under my semi with a guy trainer, and he showed me the brakes, and explained the mechanics of the transmission working to hold the engine in check from running away.  Then my trainer and I went down the mountain and at the bottom, I asked, "Was that ALL?!?" Now I approach with respect and security bred of knowledge and skill.  And Angel challenged me to do the same with snow and Ice.  I do have to say, having slid and wrecked on my bike?  I am not eager to repeat that loss of control.   I can recall several similar examples of this learning curve.  I panicked my first time SCUBA diving off the back of a perfectly good boat into heaving salt water.  But drew from Lewis' confidence in me and I linked arms with Mike, the dive guide, and I descended, locked eye to eye with Mike 60 feet to the ocean floor.  That day I sifted sand from the bottom of the ocean through my gloved hand in victory. Fear did not win a round then and has lost again.

            You guessed it. After a second stint in frozen Canada, I did not beg to be sent south. "Please don't throw me in that briar patch." And here I am today, sweating in the humidity in the south. Happily J

            Another issue I ponder?  Oh, and there are many.  I have nothing but time on my hands to dream and speculate in the confines and freedoms 24/7 of my truck cab.  Often in the wee hours of the night, while I satisfy  my wanderlust and curiousity of the world around me, part of me craves a home and a loved one. I am definitely enjoying new adventure and travel,  but part of me yearns for a home. For roots. For someone to share my life with.

            I still hunger for a friend. A companion. Specifically for a mate or lover to cuddle and touch. Someone dear to me to share the experience and journey with me.  A home to share. I am an affectionate person and I miss the security of lying with my head on my lovers shoulder.

            It seems I am standing at a crossroads in my life.  I am a wanderer who is realizing I am growing older.  As I near 40, I face a great life lived so far and questions as to my life ahead. I see it. Yet it looks like the sudden dense fog that blankets at dusk. I have trouble seeing through the mists surrounding me to the clear and right path ahead.  As for a companion? I still assert, he will have to be a special man.  One who is not intimidated by my strengths and diversity. He will have to be sound and confident in who he is so he is not threatened by our differences and similarities. I think a  fellow driver,,, yet the cab of a truck is a confined space. WHEW! You'd have to really and I do mean REALLY love and respect someone to share that tiny space. A plus if he shares my love of all things outdoors and water?  And I hope to one day ride a motorcycle again.  The guy doesn't have to fit into that mold. But by token, we need to both be secure enough to allow each other to be the man and woman we are.  And where we intersect?  That is a shared bliss. I do not think I will be content to drive OTR much longer.  I want roots.  A home. A love of my life.

            I can say with definite certainty that I unequivocally love Angel and Alisha as they are today. This goes deeper than just a mothers love.  It is an acknowledgement of the young women of integrity and high standards that they are and the women of purpose they are becoming. In this, I led by example, and I accept that I did a fine job as a parent.  I do still see them in my minds eye all ponytails and bounce, but I recognize and relate to them now as grown adults finding their way in this world of possibilities.  I cherish the friendship and bond we share.  And accept, that we each live our lives now, separate, yet crisscrossing.  I may have given them a nest to fly and launch from, but they gave me desire to fly and air to fill my wings.

            To sum it all up?  I have grown wise to enjoy the journey and self-discovery.  I have good days and bad, as we are all permitted to do.  But it is the decision to prosper from the knowledge gained that counts.  I am returning to my earlier ways of not sweating the petty stuff.  Through trial and error I gain skill and confidence with each new task.  I hunger for the touch and bond of a companion. I marvel at my nations people and vistas.  I seek roots and place to call home. I am less sentimental over "THINGS" such as keeping a house just because it is filled with reminders of my past life with my girls. And I need a spell of dancing like I do, when no one is watching me….

            Thank you for reading my missive. I am well.  I am blessed. I am an Over The Road truck driver.  Happy holidays and may you enjoy this time with your loved ones and prosper in the new year.


Monday, December 20, 2010

AhhhEEEEeee!!! Geuax Saints in Mississppi!

December Greetings!!! As I work my way through a week that has already given me much in the ways of opportunities to grow in God and to be more like Him in HIs character?  I am reminded by the Spirit that the CHRISTmas season is all about what has already been given,, in the person of Christ Jesus.... and of seeing each other, our lives, our world the way HE sees it. I am reminded when I am short of temper or patience with another? He would not act the way I have. I have a choice in this. Let the healing begin here, with me.

We can all point to our challenges.  What keeps us awake at night? Who is on our prayer list, every time? Who stirs us to compassion as we brush shoulders in a world full of busy people?

Many people are hurting inside. This may not show. They may compensate by being brusque. Funny. Always down. Always up. Some close in to themselves. Some reach out more.

I am amazed at the GOODNESS GOD HAS POURED INTO ME BY THE RIVERS!!!!   Yes, I am alone, at a time of year that typically is celebrated by parties, assemblies, family gatherings.  But, I am alive this year again. Well able to work. Blessed this year with the regional job I now work for.

And daily, minute by minute, I look around me for windows to open, for doors to show their knob & for the courage to twist it.  I have embarked on a self-help Journey to finding true love (love of myself), true happiness (to be residing in  happy, not just in a moment, person, or thing), to choosing to love more fully, to forgive all injustices, to give myself some space and slack to make mistakes so that I may learn from them.

Gifts of people, places, things, that I may share my knowledge of God and Truth. That I may be God's hands, feet, voice, HIS laughter and his embracing arms to another.  To give them monetary gifts or tangible items from my bountiful blessings that run out of my being.

Below is a cute note written at a truck stop in Southern Mississippi last night.  I had a wonderful blessing of being loved by my fellow man and they brightened my day.  Let the JOY of the season, the Spirit of Giving in this simple story from the road give you a lift and a smile!
Brookhaven, MS Sunday night

Grooving to a radio station that has played songs from "Sweet Home Alabama" , Peter Frampton and that song where the guitar talks, to "Here Without You" RUSH!!! "Limelight" to "Sleigh Ride" with a female jazz singer and incredible full band sound to "Centerfold"! My my my!!! Mix it up!!!! Huge grin!!! Earlier in ATL was scattin' and funkin' with the black folks on their themed jazz, Blues, R&B station!!

The happy-ness of this evening is being in the TRUE South!! Florida doesn't count, such a melting pot. GA, parts of it. Beginning in SC, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisianna, Texas,,, it is like tonight, went inside the truck stop, as I came out, the young clerk opened the door for me "Ma'am, you have a nice night. Be safe out there and Merry CHristmas."

In a world of microwaves??? Tonight, after only 475miles got to my delivery. I had parked at Wesson, MS where I am now, about 12 miles from del. For some reason (spirit prompting) I decided to look again at the load assignment. WOW!!! Instead of 1300 on 12/20???? It was 0100 on 12/20!!!!!!! I was aiming to be 12 hours late, sitting on it!!!! My goodness! So I called them, a Wal-Mart Dist Center and he said I can come anytime since it is a drop and hook.

When I show up, two good ol' boys as guards. The older distinguished gentleman says "Hey! I know you! You just called me! How are you?"

The other younger guy, eating, mumbles, "Hi, I 'm doing okay too."

I ask, "HEY! IS THAT RED BEANS AND RICE????? It looks like it came from cooking all day, slow and sweet in a crock pot, not a microwave?"

Old guy, Mike, says, "would you like some? Bowl's over there."

Sure enough, an oblong crock pot full of RB&R and sausage, 2 kinds.

Mike tells me to get some cornbread too. Says his wife had made that up for them. I'm telling you, glass plate, homemade cornbread muffins, covered in foil,,, a red velvet cake on a platter,,, the crock pot... OMG!!!

I stand there and dig in,,, the younger guy wipes sweat from his forehead (I didn't catch on fast enough,,,,) ,,, Barton says, "There's deer sausage in there along with the link.,,,,,,, you aint allergic to anything are ya?"

OH DEAR GAWD!! Good thing I am NOT allergic to anything!!! LOL I was half through the bowl!!! And it wasnt spicy,, not like Barton's sweating and eyes watering made it seem. Whew! Close call ;-)

I go make my drop, hook to an empty,,,, I was going back to the truck stop in Wesson to get dinner at the 24 hr diner,, now I am fed and happy. I asked Mike, "Sir? I saw that was your last bowl. Do you need some?? I have some in my truck and don't want to take your last one?"

He said he had more,, but "Would you like some of the Red Velvet cake too? c'mon back inside!"

Then Barton, Mike and I got to talking,, I said I recognized the RB& R from the 11 years at Ft.Polk, LA,,, where we are tonight is only 130 miles to New Orleans on I-55 south. Barton's brother served the same time we were there!!! I told him since we were in the band, we travelled the entire South on tour,,,, commands and all the festivals, everyone wants to appreciate the soldiers by feeding them,,,, thus the RB&R....

He said,"you want to appreciate a soldier? Feed them a hot meal." I said, "yes, if one is in line behind me??? I pay for them."

You know??? I just love the generosity and free spirit of Southerners... I told Mike to tell the "Missus thank you". He said "well, come for a homecooked meal anytime."

WOW!!! People just slay me with their openness,,, if you let them,, they will bless you!!!

Blessed and a knowing of this making me smile,
Jan M. Olsen

Thursday, December 16, 2010

As The Lights Go Out In Georgia

Dallas, TX (This time last year, I was hiding under a bridge to shield my satellite location from JayJ)
It has been a long, slow, fast week. Realizing, that makes no sense. Being under the weather, it seems the time drags by. Each beat of my heart, or flash of pain takes an eternity to pass.

Yet, I was just in Cooper City, enjoying the luxurious hotel. Not only king bed, hot tub etc.  But the thing had GLASS glasses instead of plastic!!  WOW!!

Anyway, since I have been such a slacker at work this week, I chose to stay out OTR this weekend. Tonight, I sit on the outside of a Sears building in Hinesville, GA (Ft. Stewert). The alley to be exact. I arrived about an hour ago.  As I defuse to begin a night of resting, I am sitting here playing Tim Janis, "Water's Edge" cd with Alchemy for soothing visualizations.  The neighboring businesses are turning off their lights, one by one. It's now 10:30pm. The sidewalks are rolling up.

Really surprised during my rural drive tonight how FEW homes or businesses are decorated for Christmas.  Not many lights at all.  I have a tiny fiber optic tree, but it is in storage. I kept thinking I would get back there.

Oh well. Not much in the spirit.  If I were purely selfish, I would say my personal Christmas gift wish list for me would have Top 3 as 1-Health 2- Family 3- Home.   See?  I think too much about myself. When I should be reaching out, giving to others.  Who have I dwindled to becoming?

I am feeling "lost" lately.  Like a boulder roaring down a canyon side. Out of control.  So much I have no effect over. This is scaring the heck out of me.  I am racing down a path that is so bumpy and twisty.  My headlight switch says they are on and functioning, but I can only see a few feet in front of me.  Just enough to see an obstacle at the moment of impact as I smash into it.  Forget knowing what is around the next bend.  I am as lost as a sugar ant in a snow storm.

I think I am supposed to be grateful for the change,, or sitting back, enjoying the trip?? Sorry!  Not to that point yet! I crave,,,,,  roots, stability, home, love, health. Selfish ... sigh.

Thankful for internet friends, family, social networking and for my POCC family.  They made November so special, and way less painful than holidays usually are. Christmas? So much is unknown day to day in my lifestyle and job.  I don't know where I will be or if I dare to make plans?

Secret wishes for how I would like this year's season to play out. Still, little control over the actuality.

First day back to real work all week.  I thought maybe a relatively short 300 miles day? Mentally prepared my fortitude for that 6-7 hours.  Hmmmm.. 478 miles and 14 hours work later???  I am beat,, still weak and in  severe fever. It's in my back again, the most miserable of all, because then it affects my breathing.  Labored and shallow.

I'm not down though, just treading water, Keeping my head and chin up.  Looking for chances to sing - I did that several hours today.  Opportunities to laugh?  Every time I turn around!  If I am not dancing? I am hearing beats that make me wish I were.

Hoping a good night's rest will make me even stronger for tomorrow?

Good night, and may your dreams be full of light, joy, peace, and contentment.
Jan M. Olsen

Monday, December 13, 2010

Still Here and There

It's been a day or so since I have entered into the blog.  No real reason. Not over busy at work. Not any one thing I can pinpoint.  A myriad of Life Experiences.  Learning to be grateful for every turn in my roads. So fallible.  So human.

For a long time, I thought I was making progress in the equilibrium of the chaos of my life, health, relationships, P-P-F, spiritual walk, etc.

I'm still not ready to fully discuss what all happened the weekend of December 4, 2010 when I went to see Angel. I am still trying to weed out the blessings from among the thorns.  I was a TERRIBLE person... and it just breaks my heart. I can't do that again. EVER.

The up-side is that this weekend of Dec 11-12th was out of this world amazing!  Angel and I both have bittersweet gifts of forgiving, trusting souls.... and it stood us in good stead!  Then to share a part of our lives (church) with my brother, Michael???  Was just unspeakeable glory and abundant merciful grace.

Also, not able to share the details of this time either.

Matter of fact, not sure why I am writing here, this minute at all????  I have so many scraps of paper,, journal pages, notes began on the word processor, email drafts to myself, that I didn't even send TO ME.... I am bound up in knots in my words.

That is another sad thing,, I had been doing SO GOOD to let all the scars and wounds get healing air.... and I screwed up so bad that I am ashamed to even write it.

ALthough, it happened?? It just tears me apart.

I sat in my truck, for more than an hour today. Mesmerized, turning my hands over, and over, and over.  Looking at the scars. Plenty to look at. Callouses, scars, disfigurements.

Of special note were the injuries 1 yr, 2 yrs, a decade old. How did they heal? At what point did infection or injury turn the corner to new tissue, stronger joints, bones, skin? I remember each step. Especially the March 2009 Dallas-born, crescent shaped scar where I had nine stitches, lost a piece of bone, and GOD grew a new joint UP to meet the knuckle line, and then GOD closed an infected, swollen, fevered, oozing wound that wouldn't even support stitches.

How did I get here? When did I lose control?
So,, there is a a damn dam in my spirit where only recently I had pulled my finger out of the dyke and the hell inside broke loose in a fury, a raging torrent of words,  and then formed to a more meaningful river,,,

now?  i am still here.  Still going there. 

One day,,, one breath,,,, one decision.... one at a time.

Janet M. Olsen

Monday, December 6, 2010

Out of Plumb Line

After this past weekend and it's upheaval with my dear Angel, I am feeling keenly just how out of plumb my  intrinsic thoughts, emotions, wishes, hopes, dreams, relationships, and spiritual walk is lately.

 Looking outward? Well, I  need to confess, I did my share of that too. What ancient truths have came to my fore, though, is that it is what's inside of ME that is attracting to me and radiating out of me. It's an inward condition, my own personal responsibilty.

Getting fed up with being in a position to have to admit, "I don't like who I am seeing reflected back to me from the mirrors into my Inner Being."

I was reminded of the scientific principle to a plumb line today at my Miami shipper. After reluctantly getting back in the driver's seat to return to work, I did an unusual thing. I agreed to convoy down there with one of my elders. I had an ESP that I needed his company and escort. Sure enough, it was downtown Miami in a rough neighborhood with an industrial section crammed into its tight spaces. Reminds me of Aspen Distribution on Vail Ave, Montebello, CA (eastern Los Angeles). Not a truck friendly area, predominantly poor Spanish people, that leaves me nervous if I have to stay roadside overnight. I don't speak Spanish. I can ask for Los Banos, but then don't understand the reply :)

At this shipper, the two docks go INTO the building about 15 feet. Gives a vertigo to back in and lose sight of my trailer doors until I feel a solid KER-THUMP as concrete meets metal in a teeth jarring experience. I am a GREAT truck driver. I backed in off that residential street, dodging mutts, cats, and threading the debris of cars of yesteryear, straight shot - right to the dock!!  Yet, THREE TIMES a shrill whistle and waving, gesturing arms, accompanied by unintelligible Spanish hollering,,,, I was directed to pull up, realign, back in again.

 No matter how straight my tractor, trailer was to itself, my elder trucking neighbor, the street or the side of the building??? There was a 8 inch gap on the right side of my trailer to the dock. I tried over and again to psyche my mind out, to park "out of angle". No luck. The building is off plumb line.

At last!!!  A visualization of how I am feeling in my interaction with myself, with others, with my world I live in, and with my ineffable Spiritual connections.

Hmmmm..... get that last one in synch and the rest may line up? That just came clear as I type this.

I have been embroiled in a spiritual Erocylodon. Feeling like the nose of my Life's vessel has run aground, where things are simply done by rote memory, because that's the way they have always been done, all while the hinder part of my being is out in the Currents of Change. My self-walls, fortress, and foundations are being torn asunder with opposing spiritual and emotional integral forces.

Somewhere between a feisty pussy cat and a royally provoked lion, I am "becoming" someone new.

Change is good. No stranger to recreating my own Reality? I have been here too many times. I want to just "be good".... be worthy,, be of service, be loving, compassionate, and still yearn to be loved.

So, if I have wreaked any havoc or caused harm, while my personal "building" is being aligned into the "NEW PLUMB LINE"?

Please forgive me. How may I make amends?

In a search, I found info on Kinesiology. It explains that the Definition of Erect Posture is one where an individual is standing at attention or told to stand up straight. This posture needs conscious control. It holds a plumb line from ear lobe, tip of the sholuder, center of the hip and knee, and anterior to the ankle joint.

When all is said and done? My prayer for my personal character and integrity, is that I stand consciously in control of myself,  erect, with an authentic, honest plumb line.

Please, anyone who finds this, by invitation or divine design, I implore you - HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE TO THIS HIGHER GOAL AND NECESSARY CHARACTER GROWTH.

So grateful. So humbled. So broken. So pliable in the Master's Hands.

Jan M. Olsen

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Life Of a Fairy Tale

To see the rest, will need to scroll down, Even my petty annoyances are looming larger than life. I cant figure it out :-/
Blessed. Grateful. Bequeathed a gift.

Those are the answers to "What is the blessing?"

I'm still bound up inside. Too much so to spit it out on type or paper.  Unfortunately, I doubt myself, that I can make it rated PG 13... Right now everything from this weekend is still very BIG to me.  Out of proportion.  Inappropriate.

No longer angry, I am just hurt.  A smidgen mad at myself that I can't STAY mad long enough ,,, lol.  That may be an odd thing to say?  But, Right, Wrong, and Grey it took THREE to tango this weekend.  I'm no angel, and I was rude and out of line... but I was also run over and taken advantage of.  Mack truck-style.

I am wrong. I was wrong. I acted wrong. Just lost tonight. Of all the good that can be said of me? I am no hero, no warrior, no wonderful person in this weekend  Just clay, very marred clay.

So, this little jot will have to do temporarily.  I was going to the beach to get as close to the water as I could to meditate and pray,,, or scream and cry, ,,, or dance and spend myself, maybe all of that.

But frankly?  Being angry takes sooo much out of me.. It hurts my heart (and stomach) soooo much,,, that I am spent already. So I just drove back to my truck. Sitting in my car, parked by my truck.  I SO(!) do not want to get in that dark cave/jail cell....  For awhile at least,, I am sitting here in the cool of the evening,, trying not to give in to the tears of hurt, loss, shame, fears, and regret.
Angel called about the time I got to Ft. Meyers... she was too bright and casual, too bubbly and like tinkling brass.  She reminded me of the little cartoon  of the two dogs, one jumping in circles around the big dog" what are we gonna do today Spike? huh Spike? Huh Spike? huh? huh?"
That is one of the BLESSINGS is that both Angel and I are very forgiving souls. As for Aaron?  FLASH OF ANGER - I don't give a John Brown's Horse... hmmmm
But ,,, too near tears to stay on the fake side with Angel,, I just let her ramble in her nervous way.... and when travelling cell phone signal crackled, I was grateful to close the call.
I had looked so forward to seeing her.  I always carry months of "DID YOU SEE THATs??!?!" in my duffle bag,, collect music, scraps of paper, photos...  I am such a damned puppy dog, so eager to see Angel... or Alisha... or even my parents...
Either I am too intense? Or they just don't give a damn?  It is certainly one sided.
THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME TO BE SO WITH ANGEL THOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She was my "STEADY" one,,,  Alisha is like me, passionate and on fire for life.  Angel was always the Rock of Gibralter.
I know, parents can't say they have favorite children.  And I do not say that now.  I do have distinctly different relationships with each of them as individual people.
Here's what I mean.
  Angel and I are very close spiritually. Traditionally. The slow, thoughtful, loving, careful side of our affections.  Very symbolic and holds on to "things" such as photos, gifts, knick knacks. Both Complacents.  Very much intellectual nerds and introverts. Very deep thinkers. Intercessors. Forgiving. Givers.  We give and receive love very similarly through touch and affection. Through word. We are both door mats and often overlooked and fairly content to be the soldier in the infantry, holding up the leadership round us. Servants. Musically gifted and our MAIN method of self-expression. Writers. Readers. Desire roots and foundations. The calm ember that just keeps the eternal flame.
Alisha and I both question EVERYTHING! We are very on fire and if the wood is wet, we can ignite it soon enough by nurturing the slightest flame.  EXTREMELY passionate, we FLASH from one end of the spectrum to the next. Shaking and baking!!  BIG DREAMERS!  Intellectual chess partners. We use music and dance to BLAST our way in an out of our emotions and desires. Athletic, driven to succeed.  Our affection is being close enough to touch, but content to have a visual line on our partner.  Spontaneous, methodical, practical and inventive, McGyver. Creative and always looking for the next excitement. Also readers and writers. Very outspoken in our physical releases, both what we say and don't say. Very likely to pop out with what's on our mind and sort it out later. Alisha is the Fun and the Light in my world ( when she was home as my girl). Lifeforce, glow, bounce, sparkle, excitement.
One thing that torqued me even as I went down there was all the running they needed me to do for them, but Angel & Aaron are BOTH PROCRASTINATORS... it's good they married each other!   They collectively don't give a damn about who they inconvenience or hold up ,,,For instance, They would tell me "we need to leave by 9:30am to get to church by 10am",,,, I am at the door, keys in hand by 09:25am,,, Angel FINALLY puts her shoes on at 09:45m!!!  When I wanted to stop and get a bottle of water to take meds with??? They huff and puff we are running late.  Well WHO THE HECK RAN LATE DO YOU SUPPOSE?????

 That's just ONE example of an entire weekend of rubbing the wrong way!

Angel and I had specific matching rings.... she has taken hers off. She didnt have the balls to tell me ahead of time.  I found out last night, after the Induction Ceremony as we took photos outside, I reached around her, AS I ALWAYS DO, to take her hand and lace fingers, AS I ALWAYS DO, and the ring was missing.  She curled her fingers away,, letting me know it was for real.
I asked, calmly at first, did she take it off and just forget to put it back on?
Took her until today to get around to telling me the truth.  And the truth was not anything I wanted to hear.
And , abruptly, I know, the ring thing means more to me than OBVIOUSLY it does to anyone else,, soooo forget it,, moving on... I will have to work that out in my own head and heart.
so anyway, goodnight,, this day has got to end soon. back to work, driving, when i drove all weekend.. so here we go,, off to the races,, when i never stopped running.
footnote: I did not tell, admit, confess whatever to Angel what I have been dealing with in my illness. I wanted to .  But just didn't get the vibe that it was the right time,, or that she is much intersted in anyone besides herself. (just a phase,, gotta believe it is just a phase,, )
hoping she is just going through something and is pulling in her wings to garner her reserve survival resources???
i can understand THAT...
Love her through it,, see her on the other end.
If i dont screw it all up by being a total jerk first...
But, I didnt even take my usual 15-20 pills regimen while there,, I really tried to keep how sick I am, how in pain my body is,, on the down low.
No worries there... she didnt know I was around.

"A Thousand Faces"
I stand surrounded by the walls that once confined me
Knowing I'll be underneath them
When they crumble when they fall
With clarity my scars remind me
Ash still simmers just under my skin

Indifference smiles again
So much I hide
How is stepping back a move forward?
Now I'm forced to look behind
I'm forced to look at you

You wear a thousand faces
Tell me, tell which is you
Broken mirrors paint the floor
Why can't you see the truth
You wear a thousand faces
Tell me, tell me which is you
Tell me which is you

Eerily time made no change
Pointing fingers, laying blame
Lying over and over and over and over
Deceiving your mind
Dug my grave...Trash my name

Yet here I stand so you won't fade away
Indifference smiles again
So much I hide
How is stepping back a move forward
Now I'm forced to look behind
I'm forced to look at you

You wear a thousand faces
Tell me, tell which is you
Broken mirrors paint the floor
Why can't you see the truth
You wear a thousand faces
Tell me, tell me which is you
Tell me which is you

I bleed inside

Just let it out
I bleed inside
I'm gonna let it out
Let it die
Now I'm forced to look behind
I'm forced to look at you

You wear a thousand faces
Tell me, tell which is you
Broken mirrors paint the floor
Why can't you tell the truth

You wear a thousand faces
Tell me, tell me which is you
Tell me which is you
Tell me
Tell me
Tell me

You wear a thousand faces
Tell me which is you
Tell me which is you

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Word of advice from experience: Don't look into the cold can of soup or pork-n-beans. Just eat in the dark.That white floaty stuff is yuckO.

We Have A Plan :-)

WOW!!  I can begin to take a deep breath or three of relief!!  FINALLY goodness, gracious, we have a semblance of order and a Plan of Action!!! Just when I thought I needed an Alka Seltzer and Valium!!!

It is rough when a List Maker is in relationship with a Procrastinator!!!!   I may have lists telling me to look at my other list???? Slightly disorganized?   The polar opposite is a slug of a procrastinator that just ambles along, if Life happens it happens, eventually!!   I am a Shaking and Baking kind of person! Let's MAKE IT HAPPEN, FOLKS.... Angel is ... okay,,,, it will get done later, maybe.


The trucking industry with its Feast or Famine method is always on my last nerve.  I like to have a plan, backing, up the plan I am already on.  One of the hardest lessons in trucking was "TRUCKING HAPPENS"  which translates to don't make doctor or dentist appointments, court dates, or plan to attend Life events such as weddings, baby arrivals, funerals etc. 

I have known for  a month the date of Angel's induction ceremony.  For this whole  month now, in my mind, I was off duty on Friday, drive the 250 miles across desolate Alligator Alley in my car to Tampa, spend time with the kids, attend the ceremony, go to Sunday church with them, then drive 250 back to SoFL so I can go to work driving my semi truck.  There is not much room for variation or delay in this PLAN which makes PERFECTLY GOOD SENSE to "ME".

Enter my job and Angel's schedule. Now that she is married?? Add Aaron's work schedule. (growl).  Then add that it is December, the slap craziest scheduling time of the year!!!! Did I mention it is end of semester, Finals, and all the assignments and deadlines are due???

Then Monday, maybe Tuesday,,, just 3 days before the PLANNED AHEAD VISIT, Angel comes up with, "Well, we haven't had time to clean the house. You need to get a motel room instead of staying here."  WTH!!!  OH!! And she also has 18 HOURS (!!!!) of Clinical Observations and reports to knock out!!!!!!!!!!!!   WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?

YES, I am almost in utter freaking out meltdown mode!!!!  

Somehow, it also became important to them that Aaron join us on our visit and they decided it would be a great thing if I drive them to a movie theatre so we can spend 2-3 hours of our visit sitting UNABLE TO TALK in the newest Harry Potter movie.. and "Oh won't it be so bonding spending "quality" time together as a family, Mom?"

HELL NO!!!   Movies as dates or Family Time is SUCH an oxyMORON because all the hours of driving, ticket buying, waiting in multiple lines, and sitting during the show are flushed down the toilet, when people could be having meaningful conversations, walking, talking, visiting together.  I am grumpy about this part of it too!

So what did I do??? Angel has 8 hours of Observation on FRIDAY "OUR" day together... she wont get free until 4:30pm. Now it is FRIDAY Tampa 5pm traffic!! They want the 7pm movie showing across town from their apartment!

 My work, actually DID get me off duty at midnight tonight.  I am declaring MUTINY!!! I am NOT, absolutely NOT driving to Tampa to sit in the parking lot of her apartment, or worse with Numb Nuts while she is at her thing across town!! NOT HAPPENING!!!  

I have decided to "be good to me"... I am taking the 9am-11am *Kundalini Class(see below) at the Yoga Connection.  THEN and ONLY THEN will I shower up and drive 5-6 hours to see my kid!

This is probably our "holiday" visit.  Last year??? I FLEW Angel from Tampa to Ft. Lauderdale and rented a hotel for a weekly rate!!!  It was worth the money to me to buy TIME to just BE with her!!!  She had the nerve then to lament that "vacation to me is not doing anything, you plan all our moments." (even plan in time to just NOT do anything, lol)


After this?  I will need to go back to work to get Time Off.  To be fair, same goes for Angel with her school schedule.  And Aaron works retail, so December is feasting hours for him too.

"Mom, can you stop by the storage shed and pick up some of my books to bring to me?"



sigh,,, "the most wonderful time of the year,,,,"

indeed  :-)

Jan M. Olsen


Known as the mother of all yoga, Kundalini yoga combines postures, breathing techniques and meditation. Kundalini is a less physical form of yoga, which focuses on balancing one's spiritual anatomy so that the student can experience deeper levels of meditation. This very powerful technology has lasting effects that stay with the students helping them to feel a true sense of calm making them happier and more peaceful in their day to day lives. Julie's teaching style keeps its roots in India and is true to the method passed down by Yogi Bhajan.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Another Try

Well, the title does not really refer to my cold and stiff fingers on typing. LOL. Although, the backspace key is getting quite a workout. Slow going tonight.

Reading a book authored by a friend, I was challenged to look at childhood passions, current passions etc.   I will be writing those down as an exercise. There are a few childhood passions that even as I read that section of the book, with no pen or paper handy, I formed a bullet quick list!  A fewer in the current category.

One thing I can not really say in truth is that I ever had a plan for my life.  I did not allow myself to grow and mature to a place of calculated learning and forward movement.  Although, I had passions?  I never was a child. From earliest recollection I was wife and mother to my dad & brother. Fill in the blanks.

It's in the Past now, but as a youth, I once was a wife, and then a mother of two high achieving young women. Life had a way of carrying me along. Sometimes I was on top of the log, sometimes dangling below it, bobbing for air. Sometimes in front of it, fending it off of me so I could swim for dear life.

So, I never had a chance to think who or what or how I would like my personal "LOVE relationships" to be.  That's where the title to this post comes in.  Josh Turner's song "Another Try" says, "The reasons I'm alone I know by heart. I don't want to spend forever in the dark. I swear next I'll hang on for dear life. If LOVE ever gives me Another Try."

I have that on my MP3 player, and I turn it up when it comes on.  I think part of that is I am a sucker for deep, bass voices. Also, the pensive croon to the words. 

Lately though, as I read "Positive and Encouraging Words" in people's blogs, website, social networking, emails etc, I am chastened a bit.  So tonight when I hear the familiar lyrics, it raised a question in me.

"What do you mean, 'I'll hang on for dear life'"?   Part of where I am today in my Journey with myself is "BUMP THAT!!!  I am taking no prisoners.  If someone WANTS to be with me, then fine. If not, See Ya!"

Inside though?? I wonder? Which would it be?  I know another song by Blake Shelton says "She was all over me. And I used to let it get all over me.  WHat I wouldn't give to have her back again, now that she's all over me."

Ole  - I was young, he chose me for that reason. He actually likes them young. Hmm.. but he wanted me to (his words) "make him the center of my world".  He was so afraid that he couldn't be loved for who he is, that he had to INSIST I love him, submit to him, serve him.  He was determined to be the center. He was the one who was ALL OVER ME.... and was heavy and hot and pushy about it. 

I grew quickly to loathe his touch.  It wasn't given lovingly, it was control.  Then it was fear. Then it was just plain old disgust.

With Lewis, I did not connect with him instantly.  I liked him, but wasn't attracted and we were not physical for a good while.  However, he emotionally loved me, almost immediately.  He sought me, he wooed me, he waited for me. 

By the time I was realizing I was loving my best friend more and more and more every day? He was very present and available and we were the bestest of buds and of friends.  We told each other EVERYTHING!  We went everywhere, spent time as a family and as a couple. Slowly, without me thinking too much about it? We held hands, we touched completely down our sides on the porch swing for hours. We sat back to back, skin to skin on the island on Lake Harris and jsut leaned on each other and talked for hours, days, weeks.

He said the scary words, "I Love You",  before I did,, but I felt it too.  It took me awhile, but by the time I could say it?  We were in each other's heads, hearts, souls, sleep, dreams, minds,,,, Lewis and my girls,, it was a family thing.

It came down to marry or not... buy a house and be unmarried? No. Cars, boats, bikes, etc ,,, but a house?? No...

In this relationship, turns out I was the insatiable one.  He showed me love and respect and I blossomed... by the end??  LOL... I was "all over him" and he let it get all over him.  Wry chuckle here.

Every time we got to a milestone? He would flip out and need "space".  By the time we got there?? I had weighed my decisions and was ready to move to the next level.  But that man kept "needing space" after loving me so patiently to join him. 

At the end? When I wouldn't marry him after his 2 requests? And it was time to go our own ways?  I cried, asking him to stay.  He left anyway. 

I know it was the best.  Now I do.  At the time?  Even now?  It hurts. We began to date once he moved out.  For almost 6 months, we went back to inseparable FRIENDS and buds,,,, until he met someone new.

That was always the deal, "Take the space you need.  We will be here when you get back. But, Lewis, if you are with another woman? DON'T COME BACK."  That is how it ended up playing out.

These two relationships of Ole and Lewis are the only two that had any possibility to them.

 My fitness trainer and Jay J?  These two were curiousity flings, They were me letting go of the strict holds I had on myself to raise my girls and to be "good". They were BAD BOYS and I was confused. I take FULL  responsibilty for my actions and for reaping what I sowed.

Isaac?  I will never be the  majestic eagle he is.  I am just an ugly brown wren.  In all ways. Physically, intelectually, spiritually, emotionally,,,, he is just always so far above me, so classy, and it would be wrong to saddle him with me.  Neither of us give in to our temptations to go further at the same time. LOL... so,, it just goes on and on being NOTHING.

Back to the title.  "Another Try"  ... if love ever gives me another try?

Hold on for dear life?  Hmmm who is holding on to me? Or seeking me?

Would I follow old destructive patterns? Of too much or too little?

When do I just get to live out my passions, my purposes and do great good for others,, and as I live that fulfilment of my dreams?  Will I  live loved and cherished? Or just some freak of an island with a "heart of gold."?

I don't want prisoners,, nor do I want to be one.  I want .....

World Peace and a Cure For World Hunger.


well, this was a waste of time.
jan m olsen

Monday, November 29, 2010

Yoga Class #2 This Past Sunday "Hot Yoga Groove"


HOT YOGA classes at Yoga Connection are an eclectic blend of Yoga styles combining the vast knowledge, experience and personalities of our amazing staff of Yoga Connection expert instructors. All Hot Yoga classes will be taught in our state of the art heated Yoga studio, and with great detail breaking down the mechanics of all postures.

Attended the Sunday PM “Hot Yoga Groove” class.
This letter is much shorter. I purchased the 10 week package for $160. It makes each class $16 plus a free one. So 11 total. I paid $18 for the morning class.

The Hot Yoga Groove was faster paced. Although, Savanah took time with me and a few other new people to physically touch us to adjust and align us??? She moved very rapidly from one thing to the next.

I was right to think I should get used to the positions, the breathing, the methods, the physical parts of it all before I add the heated sauna part. It felt great and did provide a deeper release, but it was a bit much as out of shape as I am.

As before, I was the only fat person. Everyone else, male/female, new/experienced. young/old, differing ethnicities, they were all slender and in shape. Sigh...

I know I didn't get this way in a day, or wasn't born this way. It will take time and a process to undo the damage I have exacted on my body through neglect, misuse, injury, and abuse.

Savanah is young (mid 20”s). The music was kind of Enigma or Enya style, still not what I hoped for “work out music”. All it did was set the pace higher, faster for the Yoga poses themselves. Very advanced stretches.

I struggled with the heat factor, and thought a few times I would actually throw up, ugh.

I TRIUMPHED BY NOT GETTING SICK AND BY NOT LEAVING THE ROOM THOUGH!! Even Savanah remarked she was surprised I stayed the entire 90 minutes, struggling even as I did. I did the work as best I could, allowing for newness, previous class and the foreign soreness in newly challenged muscles (LOL), the heat, etc.

A COURSE IN MIRACLES!!! Savanah read from their workbook 5-10 times, including during the meditative section of time at the end of class!! She often read it to us as we held or moved through stretches (I know there's a word for the that “FLOW” but don't know what it is???)

She also did that whole shaking her hands thing to flick off bad energy that Rilla did when she massaged me. IT is cracking me up how a month ago I didnt hear of ANY OF THIS and also only just told you about Rilla's holistic movements... and to be just inundated with it now is a lot of confirmation and establishing in my SPIRITUAL walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope I am doing okay and not in any harm??? Whew,,, a lot of TRUST going on here! Just because I am questioning??? I am not rejecting, obviously,,, since I am still going forward into new realms of Possibility.

That's all for Class #2. I may not go back right away. Let me get a firm basic foundation first.

Also, only baby steps in ACIM for me. It is tormenting me spiritually.

It was too late to shower and go to church at POCC. I was pretty OVERLOADED and OVERWHELMED by now anyway. Not sure I could allow more into me??

So I drove to the ocean, parked at the hotel where I stayed for Thanksgiving,, and went onto the deserted beach. It was raining, but I figured, I was already wringing wet anyway, and the sand is always invasive. I planned to shower at the beach before going back to my truck.

For an hour and half,, I sat just 10 feet from the water,,, heavy clouds, sporadic rain, no moon, lots of stars and watched the cruise ships go out. I cried ALOT!!!!!

I prayed some,, I sat there, stretched, then in a hugging pose, and rocked back and forth for an interminable amount of time,,, tears streaming,, until, the SPIRIT took over and I began to pray in tongues. I lost all sense of time then.

If anyone passed me, it would seem like I was chanting. After all else I have been doing? That isn't so odd to me anymore to think of it that way.

God released me,, and I sat, spent cold and wet on the sands until I just wearily got up. Too tired to shower, I just sat on a towel and went back to my truck, changed clothes and went to bed.

Here I am today.... processing :-)

Was going to take the special workshop this coming Sunday with the Power Flow and LIVE SACRED MUSIC,, but they have called to cancel. That's okay,, I'm overwhelmed now anyway.(see below,, it will still be on my list of things to do once they offer it again. By then, I will have conquered my issues).

Jan M. Olsen

Exclusive to Yoga Connection in the West Broward area, this popular program features our very own Barbara Sloan and Worldbeat Musician Richard Brookens in a Power Flow class to live sacred music. Richard performs with Bamboo Flutes (from India and China), Native American Indian Flutes, Tablas (drums from India), Udus (clay pots from Africa), and a alineseGong, along with ambient tracks from his original CD's - all combined with a challenging Asana flow utilizing breath, body, voice, sound, mantra, mind and spirit for a total Yoga experience of pure meditation in motion. Instruction and adjustment will be provided so all levels are welcome. This unique program will be offered at Yoga Connection on a monthly/bimonthly basis, so make sure to check our Events Page for dates and times, and join in the newest and most exciting yoga experience in South Florida!

Yoga Class #1 "SIVANANDA YOGA " This Past Sunday


SIVANANDA YOGA offers a meditative approach through a series of Asanas, Pranyama (breathing), Meditation and Deep Relaxation, working systematically on the body, stretching and relaxing muscles, joints and ligaments, creating a more flexible spine and improving circulation. Sivananda Yoga is one of the most classic forms of Yoga created in 1935 in India by its founder doctor Sri Swami Sivananda who encouraged all students to embrace a healthy lifestyle by combining the following five basic principles of the ancient wisdom of Yoga: proper diet, positive thinking and meditation, relaxation, breathing and Asanas.

I chose this class by reading the offerings in the time slots. I went to the studio, explained I was first time and asked recommendations. It makes sense to build up with basics and to do so in the regular studio. Get used to Yoga in general then add the HEAT factor as an advanced maneuver.

I had taken classes in 2006, at the Wellness Center in Leesburg. At that time in my life though, I was also involved with my fitness trainer, and the core group of us that worked out 4-6 hours a day with weights, cardio, dancing, swimming, both as group and individuals played too hard to slow down for this type of exercise, lol. Even our weight lifting was done to vibrant Classic Rock!! Good times!!!

Therefore, I went at Yoga from a fresh frame of mind. My health is VERY different now. My lifestyle is very sedentary, unguided and unhealthy. My mental, emotional, spiritual state is currently very open and very much seeking.

The description sounds like a good introduction. With the right guidance, I can be exposed to many new things and take them in at my own pace.

A big note here: * I did NOT disclose my illness to the Yoga Connection at all! In Class #2 she asked if I had any injuries she needed to be aware of? The answer is “no”. All of my injuries are old, and incorporated into who I am now. My illness does not transfer and I did not want to take it easy because of it. I am hoping to open my mind, body, spirit up and let the disease GO FORTH and leave me entirely, so I am NOT WILLING to give it voice or credence now.

CLASS: The instructor, Angela, is 84 years old. She has been Yoga instructor 45 years! She is almost completely deaf (2 hearing aids), but her speaking voice is extra soft and measured, with a hint of a Spanish lilt to it. I loved her and bonded spiritually with her instantly!!

It is important to note that I spent ALL of my life, my ENTIRE life *HIDING the “sounds” of my breath. Purely in self-defense, from a toddler on, I learned to hide my breathing. Pretend to be asleep. Pretend to be okay with my surroundings. Throughout my life, if I made noise, even as simple as inhale, exhale? I was discovered. That would cause me to be beaten. Raped. Sexually assaulted. Or forced against my will to do any number of things. From a child to just last year 2009, this was a reality in my life. Play possum.

Let me say that the downloaded materials I have on Guided Meditation and things I have read in a variety of books regarding “breath” have been very difficult for me to process. When told to “pay attention to the sounds of your breath” I noticed I was still clenching to subdue the “SOUND”. I honestly hope Yoga, meditation, prayers, etc will give me release and peace from this and heal my fears now that I no longer have to fear for my safety??

So in class,, things like “FIRE Breathing”, even forced exhale caused great physiological pain and response to me. I worked very hard to not give into hysteria that bubbled to my fore.

This hindered some of my ability to RELAX and to fully EXPERIENCE the Yoga and meditation.

HOWEVER, I did NOT run out of the room, or submit to any of my fearful reactions. Just by staying and facing my fears I TRIUMPHED.

We stretched and posed about 15 minutes or so. The lights dim, the music was a steady OHM, maybe 12 WOMEN (important note there) in the room. Angela had asked me to be in front near her to watch each other. She suggested I keep my eyes open. Here we are, 15 minutes in and without breaking stride, Angela says, “We haven't begun the Yoga yet”. OMW! All of us got a muted chuckle out of that one!! Everything was spoken and done reverently. I was sensitive to and appreciate the spiritual release and openness in the studio and participants.

Angela is a “toucher”. Which is cool by me. I am very affectionate- both appreciate giving and receiving touch. It was a bit of an adjustment of my safety response and attitude, though, to be allowing of a stranger to touch me when I was stretched into some very vulnerable and open positions. It felt a lot like when you streeeeetch your arms to yawn and someone gooses you in the ribs??? You get a startle reflex. Just saying. But again, I didn't let it show, at least not that I know of :) She corrected my position, posture, pushed my stretch as she's supposed to do.

I was the only fat person in the entire studio all day. The women in class #1 were all very skinny, and very experienced/flexible. Several of them seemed unhealthy skinny,, like their skin hung in wrinkles and flapped. They were friendly but shallow. Yuppy.

Made me feel like crying. But I didn't. I didn't understand that at all? Even though I read it.

One time in her touching me to align my posture or pose, she remarked under her breath “oh, she is so HOT”. So, even without me telling her I am sick, she noticed the fever. She also told me at least twice to plan on a hot bath, “or you won't be able to move tomorrow”. LOL.

The classes are 90 minutes. No clock. I was imitating others in the room. At some point, everyone familiar with the routine Angela has, lay on their backs, and some put their hand towels over their eyes. Angela dimmed the lights even further. I did not think it possible, but her voice modulated even more soft, and mystic. SO!!! This was a HIGHLIGHT I had HOPED and been waiting for!!! She WAS going to do a meditation as part of the class!! YES!!!

I was all for this!!! And it went GREAT! It was a combination of all I had read, heard on audio, and tried in my own stumbling, seeking way. To do it with a room full of people, believers?? All tuning in?? was like a dream coming true!! I was EXCITED!!

*BUT!,,, I noted earlier there were only females in the class??? This became very HUGE issue right now! If you have never been hurt by another?? You may not be able to relate to what I type next. AS much as I WANTED to relax and participate in the MEDITATION????

It was very SCARY!!! All of a sudden,, the sounds of breathing, every rustle was exaggerated. Do you have even an INKLING of the EXTREME TRUST to allow myself to not only close my eyes, but to COVER my face???? To lay flat out,, hands to my side,, all the things I YEARN to do in my truck (it's one thing I LOVE about the altars at POCC... laying prostrate).

To trust 13 strangers in a dark, quiet spiritually- charged room????

My body's response was hysteria and nausea. It is SUPREME SELF-WILL to continue to lie there. I could hear Angela padding about in the room,,, follow her voice as she “guided” the meditation. But, I am revealing to you right now: I also “felt” pressure on my biceps, my vulnerable arms, pinning me to the ground as if by a man. At one point, I FELT Joe's knee in my sternum as the pressure pushed and pushed until my bone broke.

How terrifying!!!

BUT!!!!!!!! I did not get up,, I didn't even move the towel and open my eyes or look around. I FORCED myself to lay there. To feel all of these things. To experience and BE THERE with them.


I focused on my breathing, and on Angela. She actually stopped walking or speaking for awhile,, and that was a new level of scary as my Mind Monster is screaming “WHERE IS SHE? IS IT SAFE?”

Very frustrated at myself that something I looked forward to for weeks, finally arrives as an unexpected gift, and I disappointed MYSELF with my fears, tension, and responses.

The only positive here is that I didn't quit or leave or give in to the madness. I take VICTORY and solace from that.

In the Yoga she did “Fire Breathing” and also right before the meditation part she led us through inhale one nostril, exhale through the other, then switch by using our finger to close one side,, and then also to alternate nostrils with out holding one side closed. Angela offered to teach me one on one outside the studio after class. So we did. She spent an extra 15 min or so with me. Very nice of her to do. As I said, there is a bond and natural spiritual connection between us.
Okay, this concludes class #1. They have showers there. I cleaned up, got dressed up, and drove to POCC after all. I got into service just as they were calling people to come to the front that want prayer. So I missed Sunday school and all the praise singing of AM service.

Usually, it is customary, if someone wants to be anointed with oil and prayed over by the laying on of hands by the ministry? When he reads the Prayer Request list, he invites anyone who desires to come to the front.

I was in the 2nd pew from the front, NOT in line. I saw the Israeli minister when she picked up the oil vial, and moved off the platform. I somehow knew she was heading to me. Although, that is out of context.

Sure enough, she comes out of line to me directly. I go ahead and surrender, raising my hands. As conflicted right now as I am spiritually??

If God is choosing to speak to me through this Prophetess or by anointing? I am receiving.

After anointing my forehead with oil, she began to speak to my emotions, “Even as she bites it back now, Lord” (I was biting the inside of my cheek to not break down and cry).

“LORD this sadness in her Spirit I command it to be released and ask you to speak to her to guide her...”

I'm not sure what all else she said.. I got hung up there... although,, was unable to “break through”.

Kinda of odd, I guess if someone is unfamiliar with the Pentecostal or Apostolic way of ministering?? I submitted to her Authority as to KINGDOM AUTHORITY,, because I recognize it. It is much the same as when God moves on me to lay hands on another person and gives me Word Of Knowledge, Word of Healing, Word of Discernment etc.....

I am not sure if anything moved in heaven and earth on my behalf?? But given where I am??

I accept God's SOVEREIGN rule in my life and submit to HIM fully.

Okay, this ends this letter.
Jan M. Olsen

Sunday, November 28, 2010

While the Frosty in me looooves my sleeping area North Pole cold?That's so I can enjoy burrowing & snuggling into bunk& sleeping bag. The inital slide in? BRRrr

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tapping into new account. Through a dream had a HUGE spiritual revelation,just got confirmation.So adding a book I need refreshed

Friday, November 26, 2010

Snoozing to Ave Maria might not be the wisest idea. Not if I am driving this rig up and over in drizzly, grey, sleepy SoFL. Momma's got her napping mind on :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ending my THANKS-LIVING day celebration with a 5 mile walk around this area where my truck is parked. A true GOD day and night. Thankful for my "family". Loved.
I wish you could see what I see. Hear what I hear. Visualize what I visualize. Think about them as I do.It makes me cry in beauty and peace.
Wish you were here.Wish you could see this place.The weather's nice,it's Paradise,it's Summer-time all year..I miss you so.Wish u were here

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I think the ocean sands must be alot like a Sleep Number bed? Wriggle and get it just so under your contours. It settles as you do. Nice :)
I'm such a lightweight these days..... I will be in bed by 10pm. So much for all night Mickey Mouse Club Beach parties...I'm an old fuddy duddy now =(

It's THAT Time of Year Again

Here we are! The year TwentyTen is fast drawing to a close.  I don't make specific New Years Resolutions.  If I find a trait to adapt, chances are it won't wait until January 1st on NEXT YEAR'S calendar.   Life is such  a Process of Give and Take. Truly Beautiful when you think of it. You can't admit to being tired of something in your life, without also deciding to improve on it. All year long :)

During my married years, we played the in-laws game. We tried vainly to please this set or that set. All while establishing traditions for our own 4 members. Soldiers, church, jobs....When we got divorced in 2000, now we have to add Dad's house, My House, all the Grands, and any blended familes as well.  What was a JOYous season, became incredibly frustrating, chaotic, never satisfying ANYONE, and often it called to notice just how PAINFUL divorce is on the partners AND the children involved.

Especially in the first years, it was easier and kinder to just tell my junior high and senior high school-age girls to go stay with their Dad. He was lonely all the time. Visitation schedules SUCK!!! He is a limp weenie, but  I am resilient. I was also overwhelmed with rejection, loss of the ideal of "Till Death Do Us Part", strapped financially, working overtime, then a second, then a third job.

So it became a gift to me to go out on the lake alone before daylight,,, just me and my little boat, maybe Addy.  At the time I was quite jaded and sniffed "If I'm gonna be alone anyways, I may as well not sit at the house to do it." Thanksgiving and Christmas became JUST ANOTHER SET OF PAINFUL DAYS TO SURVIVE.

Then with Lewis, and how we all four loved one another, we built new traditions!  More than a meal, it was our thing to go to a specific movie on Christmas Day as a unit  we saw ALL THREE  of the "Lord Of The Rings" Trilogy in theatres, on CHRISTMAS DAY as part of "our" bond!!!

Then,, after 2 1/2 marvelous years,  he left too,,, and the girls and I each cut adrift, separating from each other emotionally in our OWN  raging seas of pain, loss, lack of faith....  that was a DECIDING STRAW to break the camel's back.  Holidays can take a FLYING LEAP AT THE MOON!!!

This year, Fall of 2010 has been an awakening!!!  First, seeds of forgiveness sprouted.  Then came Reunion and Union. The family GREW by adding Aaron to Angel's life, and my grandson, Jeremiah to Alisha & Tony's lives. Next, Reconcillation began to bud and prosper. Alisha began to contact first one, then awhile later, another,, then another of her extended family after several years of cold separation! 

This past year I EXPERIENCED LOVE FIRST-HAND with Pastor Hattabaugh and the Pentecostals of Cooper City.

 As LOVE  was so patiently demonstrated, and as people literally HELD ME until the fear and trembling in me subsided, I began to BELIEVE again,,, in LIFE,, in LOVE... in HOPE.... in my Song - Laughter, Singing, Dancing..... in a Future where it is safe to dream, to be loved, and to love in return.

FULL MEASURE.... still working on that one myself... not holding back, in Limbic Flight or Fight.

Today and tomorrow marks several HUGE FIRSTS!
  • Angel and Aaron's first Thanksgiving as a married couple.  They are taking the day to just BE TOGETHER and go out to a nice dinner somewhere as a treat to themselves.
  • Alisha, Tony, and Jeremiah have made friends in Colorado, and religious preferences are being put aside. They are going to their friends' house for Thanksgiving meal.
  • My brood is settled :)   Jan, is now free to let herself have good things in her life.  I have realized that work will still be here on Friday.  I am celebrating Thanksgiving with beloved church families in SoFL.

Also, when Lewis left us, my long-time counsellor and love/ friend, Dr. Isaac B. Deas told me there were two things he did not want to see me become. Bitter and a workaholic.  I promptly became BOTH. Sigh... well, I never got hard core bitter...  Somehow,, no matter many times i get pummelled into the dust by Life, I roll back to my feet with that goofy "hit me again, that didn't hurt" grin on my face.

Jaded? Yeah. Workaholic? Oops... guilty.

So, Jan is STILL working on that last one!!!  GRIN!!!!  If I work my guts out, I am too tired to care (yeah I know,, it didn't quite work out that way, did it???),, and I earn stupid good money that I can just GIVE away because it DOESN'T buy health, happiness, relationship, connection etc....

As this "whatever it is fever" has socked me for so long?? I am ready to give up....  but can't stop working. I don't know how :-(

For me to even consider holiday time off ??? Is HUGE -BOMBASTIC - MONUMENTAL-

But when I received at least TEN Facebook and POCC invitations, I got to thinking, I can still help drivers get home. I can do it locally. I can still end up off-duty at the same time everyone else is. Usually, the loads are timed to force the drivers to shut down for safety wherever they happen to land.


Then,, to get a motel room, second time in a week???  CRAZY OPULENCE AND WASTE OF money resources on me,,,, but,, the real bed DID feel SOOOOO GOOD!!!

Again, why not???  I hear alot, from different sources to be good to myself, take good care of me, be kind to myself. Etc...

Why not?

Worth a try.... shucks,, I've tried so many other things in my short life.  Why not try being nice to me too???


So,, here I am. Gonna click send,, and then pack my  duffle bag for 2 days off.  Go buy groceries to make dishes to carry to the Feist's house. And GO TO THE WINDY BEACH AND CHECK INTO MY OCEANFRONT HOTEL ROOM AND CATCH SOME SALT, SUN, and SAND in my hair!!!

I deserve it,, or so I hear ;-)

Happy Thanksgiving to all,, and to all a good night =)

Jan M. Olsen